this life

FWR's Avatar
  • FWR
  • 12-06-2010, 06:27 PM
I was just chatting with a girl I met on a dating site. No pay for play involved here. Just people looking for company. As always she asked what I do for fun, and I gave her a few of the things I like to do. How do you tell someone that you like to pay for play, hang out in strip clubs, and read a web site about those things?
Well, you like the art of dancing and you like to read the research online so you can find out where the shows are at Also you pay to see a therapist (provider) ha!
knotty man's Avatar
tis the season . invite her to the nutcracker.then, as your buying the tickets tell her how you always pay for the play with all your dates. over dinner you tell her your taking furniture refinishing class at home depot and had to join their strip club to learn how to remove old finishes and you belong to a review board that rates the play you just paid for.....problem solved
Well, I've been hobbying on and off for about 10 years, and have had girlfriends and fuck buddies in between. I think I told all of them about my involvement in the hobby, and it didn't really have an impact one way or the other.

Except in one case, where one FB was a little put off that I was paying for sex with other women, and getting it from her for free. She even talked to me about becoming a provider, which is the closest I ever came to introducing a civie to our world. Then she started dropping hints that she wanted me to pay her, and well... that was the end of that

Note that I have never hobbied while in a relationship, so my discussions about it with gfs were always past tense.
FWR, too funny! Thanks for the laugh.
DRorchia's Avatar
I tried the honesty route, didn't work out too well in quite a few cases. Somehow, someway a lot of women bring it back up during a relationship once you've told them. I dated two providers 20 years ago. Couple of dancers after that. Even though these relationships were more than 10+ years in the past when I told some dates/GF's, I often got that shocked look or the raised brow and inevitably they would bring it up down the road in a negative light. Now I keep my mouth shut and things seem to work out fine that way
  • Paven
  • 12-10-2010, 08:12 AM
Why do you need to tell her anything?
I would just keep it to myself because most folks in the civvie
world wouldn't understand. Just my .02.