To reach out or not?

I have a lot of clients and hobby friends that still don't know I'm back. Several have found me as I thought they would. I kind of think it's invasive to pm them and be like "Hey, it's me. I'm back.."

On the other hand, what if they get their feelings hurt, because I didn't and we lose touch forever? Also, some clients were lurkers and rarely read this board. I never kept records and I really miss them.

What does one do without compromising myself too much or being too invasive?
Dr Grape's Avatar
Personally, if I am on this board, I am looking. If I am not on this board, I am not looking. If they are checking their PM's or active on this board, it can't hurt. But I wouldn't go texting someone from a while ago that isn't active here. Thats just IMHO.
Yeah. Like I said, no way I would do that. That's not cool at all. But, I have a different handle then I did before. It sucks. The old one can't be out there for safety reasons, but it would be nice if they knew. I dunno. Hooger problems. Lol
I doubt any monger would consider a one line pm invasive, especially if they were one if your regulars.
knotty man's Avatar
Kinda like Robert DeNiro said when he was godfather of the "mafia"
Everyrime I try to get out, they pull me back in.
Or, you y
Could just start speaking "Jane"
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2014, 07:45 PM
First off, I am not suggesting yes or no...but...

*Are you sure that they still have the same phone?
*What if they retired too, and gave the phone to someone else?
*What if they are at dinner & the wifey says, "let me see that"?
*Have they "all" allowed you to cold call them in the past? I have a couple of girls that I have told they can contact me anytime...but just a couple.
*What is the motivation for contacting them? (Don't answer this publicly, but think about it...are you just trying to solicit business or are you REALLY thinking they haven't figured out who you were)?
*How busy do you really need to be...can you survive on the recent contacts or do you need to aggressively advertise?

JD none of this is said with malice...just think you should consider even the worse case potential of contacting guys cold call.
I'm gonna quote myself.
Several have found me as I thought they would. I kind of think it's invasive to pm them and be like "Hey, it's me. I'm back.."*

You are handling my biznass now anyway. Right?!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2014, 08:23 PM
I'm gonna quote myself.
Several have found me as I thought they would. I kind of think it's invasive to pm them and be like "Hey, it's me. I'm back.."*

You are handling my biznass now anyway. Right?! Originally Posted by Jane Doe
Oh shit, that's right...I'm falling down on the job.

PimpMaster ToYz to the rescue. I'll contact them and let them know you are back in circulation and running $37.50 speshuls....

It'll give me reason to wear my new Pimpin' outfit.

No. No. No. Some Boyz thought that shit was real. Lol. One guy asked what he would get for 37.50. I told him a swift kick in the arse and a sammich. I do believe he was kidding, but a few weren't. SMH.

More so they wanted to know what it meant. See the 37.50 thread about the midgets for details.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2014, 08:36 PM
No. No. No. Some Boyz thought that shit was real. Lol. One guy asked what he would get for 37.50. I told him a swift kick in the arse and a sammich. I do believe he was kidding, but a few weren't. SMH.

More so they wanted to know what it meant. See the 37.50 thread about the midgets for details. Originally Posted by Jane Doe

OH don't worry, I'll cover the don't have to make them, just give them out AFTER the sessions.

Just collect the $37.50 at the end of the hour, put my $7.50 pimpage fee aside, and bank the rest!

I enjoyed the clientele I had before, and want to spend my time with them as much as possible. Doing the whole vagina factory thing, with a bunch of new guys isn't my style.

Some girls like that. Some don't. There's no right or wrong way. I'd just prefer to stay in my circle by seeing old regulars and carefully selecting new friends.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-27-2014, 09:03 PM
I enjoyed the clientele I had before, and want to spend my time with them as much as possible. Doing the whole vagina factory thing, with a bunch of new guys isn't my style.

Some girls like that. Some don't. There's no right or wrong way. I'd just prefer to stay in my circle by seeing old regulars and carefully selecting new friends. Originally Posted by Jane Doe
Yah, I wouldn't judge anyone either way. I'm not one for seeing how many new notches I can carve on my worn-the-fuck-out bedpost either. But I understand those that do. There is a lot to be said for familiarity & being comfortable with someone. Knowing what to expect, what her batshit crazy level is...etc...
If they have any desire to find you they will. Doesn't matter if it is the 37.50 joke or the 250 actual. If it isn't working for you under the new handle then give it time and/or switch marketing approach.
Whispers's Avatar
I have a lot of clients and hobby friends that still don't know I'm back. Several have found me as I thought they would. I kind of think it's invasive to pm them and be like "Hey, it's me. I'm back.."

On the other hand, what if they get their feelings hurt, because I didn't and we lose touch forever? Also, some clients were lurkers and rarely read this board. I never kept records and I really miss them.

What does one do without compromising myself too much or being too invasive? Originally Posted by Jane Doe
Do like some of the other girls and use a male handle with paid PA to send them a PM and ask if they can share anything about the provider you under the guise of seeking info if they have reviewed you previously..........

Maybe not the most ethical solution....... but definitely a tool in the arsenal of the competition....