Website fails to finish loading

Quentintime's Avatar
I've been having problems with the pages on this site not fully loading...the green circle keeps spinning. I've tried Internet Explorer and Firefox. The only ad on I am using is Simple Adblock.

When going from page to page I get the spinning circle and it doesn't stop. This doesn't happen with other sites. Any suggestions?
These are pretty technical options, but they should give you more info about whats happening. Sometimes, the spinning circle just means that the page is running background requests, for example to change ads on the screen. The page has fully loaded, but it has a process that is still running all the time in the background.

1. Try right clicking on the page and do view source. Sometimes this can give info to where the issue is. If you're in google chrome and want even more info, bring up more tools -> developer tools and look at whats there. This can sometimes identify add on issues also.

2. Download fiddler from . Install and run the app, then try to refresh the page. This will give you all of the requests that are made when loading the page, so if a particular request is taking a while, something is just serving data slow. If no requests are still being made, its either add on or javascript related probably.
2wheels2fun's Avatar
You mentioned Internet Exploder, but didn't mention which version of windoze. I ran into the same thing with linux some time back. It turned out the distro I was running was no longer supported. After upgrading to a more recent version of the same distro for an unrelated reason, eccie started working fine. If you're running something old like XP, you may need to upgrade.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
I you're still curious/experiencing the issue it's actually adblock. Disable adblock on just the page you're viewing or the entire site and hit reload. It should "fully load" and not show the loading circle anymore.

I noticed the same thing and just disabled AB on the whole site, the "loading" indicater was more annoying than any ads that come up.