...&& I Still Love Mexicoo(:

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Three luxury SUVs passed by my Mexico house yesterday night. They were all black on black, windows down and what seem to be automatic weapons. I was amazed that everyone just kept walking and driving their way. I was ready to duck and stay. LOL What has my favorite place in the whole world become to...? We can't no longer take our cars in fear that someone might stop us and take them away. We can no longer walk the streets freely. We can no longer party, like only Mexico could offer. Ughh, how I miss those days...

What shoulld be done...?

I think that the Mexican government should stop persecuting those who commit illegal activities. In any economy there has to be some sort of untrackable income, in order to be balanced. The president, should tell the cartel leaders: I'll backdown the army, but stop the shootings, and get your names out of the New York Times, period. I am not for it, in any way, but too many lives have been lost, too much money has been spent and everyday it gets worse.

After the noise of the three SUV engines were out of our hearing, we kept on having a good time. Today in the morning, while having breakfast with the family and watching the morning news, we found out that there had been a big confrontation between a unidentified convoy and the army. Lives were lost, cars were burnt, no one was arrested.

All this happen one BBQ night with the family, and I still love Mexico.
stereo's Avatar
I ain't going over there.
Couldn't agree more with you Lilith. It is very sad to say and see that with a country with such rich history and culture; the government corrupt as it may be allows for these atrocities. For example: how do 85 convicted criminals escape from a supposedly well secured prison? There had to been some inside assistance for that matter. It's unfathomed for such a thing to occur with minimal blood shed. This just goes to show that the government or need I say the lack of; has failed the people of Mexico.
As a youngster I remember traveling the beauty of Mexico and visiting the warmth of it's people. As an adult I have been tempted to revisit the country but with all the uncertainty of occurance... well i digress, or at least until I sense that things are safer. Having family in Mexico it scares me to listen to the media in fear that they were victims of the violence.
Now with that being said and done... will I ever return to visit Mexico, only time will tell. Do I still love Mexico?... Con todo mi corazon. I pray that all this violence desists so that the people can retake such a beautiful country.

And I too... miss those days!!!!
I hope it's still safe to even go to Nuevo Progreso?! I got family in Monterrey and I've been wanting to go over there to visit them but scared for my life to even go over there. So much violence there!