Remember, VIAGRA was originally made to treat a condition called "pulmonary hypertension". The erection part was just a side effect of the anti-hypertensive med.
WARNING******Do not take even consider taking "low dose" Cialis AND Viagra on the same day.....THANKFULLY, I know CPR....never wish to use it AGAIN. That is ALL I will say about that
If you are on high blood pressure meds/heart meds, be sure to have your physician determine WHICH ED med is safe to use. This can vary depending on the TYPE of BP/Heart med you are taking.
I know there are a bunch of people getting Viagra especially out of Canada/India. The med seems to be fine, However review your meds with your physician to be sure its OK to take it.
The US price per tab of Viagra/Cialis when I checked at COSTCO recently was about $40 PER Tablet.