COG Supports Obama - AGAIN!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, but this reporter was out of line. It doesn't matter who the President is, or what you think of him, you don't interrupt the POTUS while s/he is speaking. Obama was right to be upset. And the reporter was not just wrong, he was rude and stupid.

You've been traumatized by the Pauls' endorsement.

If this guy had been a Dem asking GWB those questions he would be lionized.

I'm tired of Obambi givings pressers and not taking reporters questions. Time to get serious. I wish somebody would have started heckling him on that tired, lie ridden, campaign speech he did 2 days ago. That was just ridiculous. Even the Democrats were groaning.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's ok to shout questions after the speech, Sam Donaldson was great at that, but during it shows no respect at all. Regardless of who the President is.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
um I guess its the western equivalent of throwing a shoe at someone.
joe bloe's Avatar
Politics is a blood sport. There is a temptation, on both sides, to abandon all the rules in an effort to advance their cause. The Democrats are constantly violating traditional standards in their "by any means necessary" tactic to win. If this reporter violated protocol, then Obama had a right to be annoyed. The reporter should be sanctioned.

Dealing with liberals is similar to dealing with Islamic terrorists. In the same way that America does not practice terrorism as a way of fighting terrorism, we conservatives need to be careful to not be pulled down to the gutter level political tactics of the liberals in our fight against liberalism.
Politics is a blood sport. There is a temptation, on both sides, to abandon all the rules in an effort to advance your cause. The Democrats are constantly violating traditional standards in their "by any means necessary" tactic to win. If this reporter violated protocol, then Obama had a right to be annoyed. The reporter should be sanctioned.

Dealing with liberals is similar to dealing with Islamic terrorists. In the same way that America does not practice terrorism as a way of fighting terrorism, we conservatives need to be careful to not been pulled down to the gutter level political tactics of the liberals in our fight against liberalism. Originally Posted by joe bloe

oh yah the epitome of courtesy like when the republicans sat in the speech during the healthcare period waving blank sheets of paper with their ideas on them while the president spoke.
Dealing with liberals is similar to dealing with Islamic terrorists. In the same way that America does not practice terrorism as a way of fighting terrorism, we conservatives need to be careful to not been pulled down to the gutter level political tactics of the liberals in our fight against liberalism. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Joe Bloe has finally arrived in the big time!

The above post has to qualify as the numero uno, fictional post of the year! Hell this particular post tops any of Marshy's or Whirly's. And to top things off, it was also funny as hell! Way to go, Bro!
joe bloe's Avatar
oh yah the epitome of courtesy like when the republicans sat in the speech during the healthcare period waving blank sheets of paper with their ideas on them while the president spoke. Originally Posted by ekim008
Sounds pretty mild to me. Compare that to the Occupy crowd that riots and burns. Compare the Occupiers to the Tea Partiers. By and large, conservatives behave themselves and the liberals are violent, profane thugs.
conservatives are idiots
joe bloe's Avatar
conservatives are idiots Originally Posted by ekim008
What a brilliant response! Sooner or later, liberals are always reduced to ad hominem attacks.
What a brilliant response! Sooner or later, liberals are always reduced to ad hominem attacks. Originally Posted by joe bloe

I am not but you can't get it through your tinfoil.
example..Kansas is run by the republican party,there are conservative and moderates in office.every 10 years after the census you must redistrict these bozos couldn't agree all session so a panel of judges did it for them.Now some of these brilliant incumbents are running against each other. conservatives will not give a inch on anything, I'm LMAO.
I think we have discussed this many many months ago before about this behavior by the right wing reporters and politicians. Yes, they are being extremely disrespectful and I said once before I have never seen a President treated like this ever in all my life. The right wingers are trying to minimize what has and still is occurring with regard to this behavior and trying to make comparisons to other Presidents, but there arguments fall flat.

I said to my kids the day Obama was elected I was worried two things would happen because we just elected our first Black President; some racist nut ball will try to assassinate him, or those who have been in the closet all this time with their racism were going to come out of the woodwork and we would see some horrible things in politics emerge from it. I was right with the latter. The old white men in elected positions are blatantly racist and they and their media supporters have been showing their true colors.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-16-2012, 11:53 AM
By and large, conservatives behave themselves and the liberals are violent, profane thugs. Originally Posted by joe bloe
That's just funny, i don't care who ya are!
joe bloe's Avatar
I am not but you can't get it through your tinfoil.
example..Kansas is run by the republican party,there are conservative and moderates in office.every 10 years after the census you must redistrict these bozos couldn't agree all session so a panel of judges did it for them.Now some of these brilliant incumbents are running against each other. conservatives will not give a inch on anything, I'm LMAO. Originally Posted by ekim008
Of course you're a liberal. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you'll be able to get therapy and overcome it. Someday you'll be able to live a productive life. You can finally move out of your parent's basement and maybe even find employment. Don't give up hope.

I stopped wearing tinfoil hats years ago. The Kevlar helmet with titanium lining is far superior to brainwave manipulation and it's bullet resistant.