Looking for guidance before I face-plant...

PlanoHDGuy's Avatar
So, before posting a new thread in ISO, I wanted to check here for some guidance. While out and about this weekend, I saw this really attractive young woman with visibile tattoos on her leg. After about a second, I began hoping that she was a provider. Here's where I wanted advice: Would it be appropriate to post a more thorough description in ISO of her visible characteristics without divulging geographic details or would that be poor form? Feel free to post or PM. Thanks, Neighbors!
ShysterJon's Avatar
Of course not. You have no idea whether or not the girl is a provider. You could post a description of her, someone may identify her from the description, and that person and others may assume she's a provider from your post when she's not. Hell, a member of her family, like her husband, could jump to the same conclusion, causing a mess. These are some of the reasons why it's usually not a good idea to talk about civilians here, let alone describe them in a way to identify them.

In the future, if you come across a girl who you wanna bone and who you suspect might be a provider, give her your hobby name and the number to your hobby phone and have her call you if she wants. That seems a better approach that posting here.
Lunytunz's Avatar
I think it would be fine. She may read it and "recognize" herself. Getting her business and you and ATF. I cant imagine it would be any more anonymous. You were the only one there and if no one recognizes the description, No harm, no foul. Kinda of a "missed connection" ad. I say go for it!
I agree with ShysterJon. It's kind of silly to assume some random woman out there is a provider. What made you think that? It's a long shot!
If you liked her, you should've talked to her then instead of looking for her on here.
PlanoHDGuy's Avatar
Thank you for the feedback thus far. Like most men (and women), I occassionally see attractive/sexy people during the course of the day or week and have the same type of "flash fantasy" that others do. Not every reaction is "What are they like in bed?" but, sometimes, that does happen. In this case, the shorts and the tattoos evoked a strong physical response that made me think that maybe asking the question here might (or might not) be a good idea. I appreciate the sharing and kind of assumed that a similar question might have been asked before by someone else.
ShysterJon's Avatar
If you wanna cut to the chase, you could ask a girl, "Are you a provider?" That question will get you: (a) a quizzical look; (b) a strange response, such as, "I provide for my family"; (c) an implausible denial; or (d) a "yes." (I know, because I've asked the question of sugar baby candidates if I suspected they were sporting girls.) If the girl says she's a provider, you're in like Flynn. If she implausibly denies being a provider, show her a Benjamin and gauge her reaction. Haha. (Maybe she'll say, "I used to be a provider, but I'm willing to come out of retirement for one day." Haha.)

If you're pretty sure the girl isn't a provider, you might ask if she'd consider being your sugar baby. (I wrote a thread on that topic years ago about a girl working at a Chuck E. Cheese kinda place who became my SB.) I think there's a guy in the SD-SB forum who has cards printed up with his hobby name and hobby phone number that he hands out to girls he comes across who make his little man stand at attention. He claims a high success rate from his method.
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
Every day I read some of the dumbest comments and questions on here, and usually can just pass on by . . . but good grief! Does this mean providers without leg tattoos need to get one so they'll be appropriately "branded" and you can pick them out? I wasn't aware that leg tattoos were only for providers. I'm sorry, but this is just painfully stupid . . . .
pyramider's Avatar
How do you really feel about it?
bojulay's Avatar
What if she is LE and provides you with a nice new pair of
Smith & Wesson Handcuffs.
Every day I read some of the dumbest comments and questions on here, and usually can just pass on by . . . but good grief! Does this mean providers without leg tattoos need to get one so they'll be appropriately "branded" and you can pick them out? I wasn't aware that leg tattoos were only for providers. I'm sorry, but this is just painfully stupid . . . . Originally Posted by Merlin's Wand
LOL....Merlin! I was thinking the same thing. I was gonna just pass on by but NO...I had to comment but I tried to be tactful. Thanks for saying it outloud. :-)
PlanoHD I think the best tact is to assume all ladies you see in public are civie. If your interested, this is where dating 101 comes into play. To learn that I charge On a major note if you knew for a fact she was a provider, please dont approach her and go on your happy way. Just send her p411 request at a later time
  • hd
  • 05-17-2012, 12:15 PM
Unless it's just the thrill of the chase and conquer, there are no doubt many here on eccie and p411 that will resemble her and fulfill your fantasy. But if you're looking for a possible relationship, you should have struck up a convo with her. Say you think you've seen her on FB or a dating site, that may break the ice, or, shut your azz down real qiuck. Either way, you'll know where you stand?
ShysterJon's Avatar
Why can't you girls just make it easy on us fellas and wear the hat you get with your membership to ECCIE?

Very Funny Shyster Jon...
What Shyster said...however I worked with a guy a long time ago who took his business card to public places, honed in on attractive women and actually asked them how long it had been since somebody ate their pussy 'till they begged them stop and handed off the card. He was ALWAYS late to work smelling like perfume and wine so there ya go...if I did that shit I'd get arrested....do what you dare, though