Thanks Houston =/

Sorry guys-- but I've got to leave early. I hate to do it, but apparently the air down here is bad for automobiles. Its the only logical explanation for the 5 gents that ALL had to cancel due to car troubles, 6 if you could the gent who had to cancel, rescheduled, and canceled again.

I will have to try to come back in the winter, when the air is less conducive to automotive ruin.
I am sorry that I did not schedule DL. I wanted to but life happens. I do hope that you return, I do want to see you.
  • Chloe
  • 05-26-2011, 06:50 AM
Interesting, I thought there was a sudden influx with the need for employers to fly their employees out of town for the week rotflmao!!!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
That's crazy December .... in all the years I have been around I have never had a guy cancel because of car trouble.

Hopefully your next trip will be better!
blowpop's Avatar
That stinks. I wonder why so many cancellations happened so close together?
Geeze, Dee!!
You need to stay in a hotel within walking distance of a bunch of office buildings

Well, it was almost as bad as my experience. I had tentatively schedule for this AM with December, but told her last night I had truck troubles and would not be able to make it. When she told me I was the 5th guy to cancel, I ended up feeling bad and decided I would risk it by seeing her early AM. On my way there, the truck died on I 10....I called December before I called roadside assistance just to let her know. I waited an hour to get towed, but got a quick repair done (it was due to a wire that came loose from the half done repairs the night before).

I immediately sent a text and then a phone call to December to see if I could still come over...but she had already left town. So not only did I really have truck problems, but I missed out on seeing her...which REALLY SUCKS!
sharkman29's Avatar
She isn't the only visiting provider with a rash of cancellations. I learned of another tonight. I wonder is the rumor or theory of guys doing this on purpose to protect their ATF's is true. If so, that's really sad.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
She isn't the only visiting provider with a rash of cancellations. I learned of another tonight. I wonder is the rumor or theory of managers doing this on purpose to protect their girls is true. If so, that's really sad. Originally Posted by sharkman29
I fixed that for you.
dearhunter's Avatar
Yes, you did.........NCNS is not cool on many levels......I wonder if all of her NCNS's are members here.

We are brutal to the hooktards who flake on us.......maybe it is time to be brutal to the fucktards who don't know how to keep a fucking schedule and NCNS.....I will just come out and say it........if you are so fucking poor that you don't have reliable transportation, get a new fucking hobby.......maybe as a mechanic.
Eccie Addict's Avatar

1) transportation
2) hobby


1) hobby
2) transportation

However....... Sometimes you don't know you don't have reliable transportation until you're stuck on the side of the road.....
simpleton's Avatar
........if you are so fucking poor that you don't have reliable transportation, get a new fucking hobby.......maybe as a mechanic. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Half the dudes here would have to leave the building. God help us if they became mechanics.
simpleton's Avatar
Miss December so sorry about the results of your trip. I hope the next time is better for you.
dearhunter's Avatar
The fucktards need to get to stepping.

They wouldn't thinck it was too funny if they showed up to work tomorrow and the door was locked......without explanation.
if you are so fucking poor that you don't have reliable transportation, get a new fucking hobby.......maybe as a mechanic. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Hmm I wonder what the girl would think when a hobbyist pulls up to the incall with a driver... lol, a hobbyist with his pimp?