Is anyone else here married to an escort?

My experience living with and then being married to a lady who was an escort and who posed for some girlie magazines has been great. She is younger than I am and dresses very provocatively. However, she is a wonderful companion and provides a better sex life than I could ever have expected.

She is a good mother to her daughter and is good at dealing with my relatives and business associates.

Despite her past, she is faithful. She does tell me that it is OK to use escorts on business trips.

What is the experience of others?
tikkler33's Avatar
I hate to ask this, but do we know her?
surcher's Avatar

Despite her past, she is faithful. She does tell me that it is OK to use escorts on business trips.
Originally Posted by Nick11796
Wow, she tells you it's ok for you to fuck others on business trips! Lie, tell her you don't and she's the only one for you. I'm not a paranoid guy, but if my hot, younger, former escort wife told me that, I'd be wondering what she's doing while I'm on my trips. I'll take your word she's faithful now, I'd just worry how long the one-sided open marriage stays that way. Do you have a prenup?

I hate to ask this, but do we know her? Originally Posted by tikkler33
You'd didn't hate it too much, you asked.
tikkler33's Avatar
You'd didn't hate it too much, you asked. Originally Posted by surcher
Can't put nuthin' past Surcher!
Sometimes my curiosity gets the best of me.
Wakeup's Avatar
Should have asked us "Is anyone else here dumb as a bag of hammers?"


1) Was she an escort when you met her?

2) Were you ever a client?

3) Is she totally dependent on you? i.e. no job or family?

If the answer to any of these questions is "yes"'re doomed...If the answer to all of these questions is "no"'re still doomed...
She was an escort when I met her, but I was not a client. I did know what she was doing though.

As we dated and became closer I wanted her out of the profession for obvious reasons as well as being concerned about her safety. She had no way of supporting herself so I started supporting her.

We have been together for three years. We argue and see lots of things differently. However, life, on the whole, has been very good. I support her, but she has been very good for me as well. She is not just a pretty face.

I would like to hear other people's experiences in this regard.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Three years isn't very long in the mix...just saying. I hope it works out for you.
dearhunter's Avatar
Where is Lonesome Dove when we need him.....keep track of what you spend......and lets talk in a couple more years.
Shake_N_Bake's Avatar
I may be a little jaded but three years is nothing. Hope you have a prenup because if what you say is true and she is hot and you are supporting her then the next time someone else comes around with more money it's likely that she would be willing to jump ship.

Also, never take the bait on getting an escort. NEVER admit to anything that can be used against you in the future. Whether it's a fight, comment to a friend or family member, even a divorce - it will come up again in the future so don't shoot yourself in the foot.
theonean's Avatar
so is she hot?
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Can I fuck your wife? That'd be a nice fetish fulfillment. You can even watch.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 06-03-2011, 05:51 PM
I haven't quite figured this dude out yet.
Check his posting history, pops up asking about a couple of old providers that no one seems to know (wondering if the little lady is still selling it?), moves over to searching for a TS (which he apparently found), then starts this stuff up about being in a relationship with a former provider.
Now, apparently he's married her, against all the good advice that he's received.
And these are the days of our lives...
Shake_N_Bake's Avatar
Good job detective riday! But you failed to come to the obvious conclusion... He was searching for a TS provider, fell in love and then married him errrrrrrrrrrr married her.
dearhunter's Avatar
Which would explain why he isn't afraid of losing his significant other to MOST of you.
Nick -

I never understand why you start a thread like this thread or the thread you posted in the past about marrying an escort.

Why do you draw attention to the fact you married an escort? Obviously, you and she are happy with the arrangement. Enjoy it.