The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me understand this, Libya sent more fighters to Iraq against us than any other country in the world. The center of Jihadist activites in Libya is Benghazi. Khaddafi was supported by us because he was controlling the Jihadist by keeping them down. So Obama sides with the Jihadists against Khaddafi and then he puts his ambassador in the lion's den for what?

So after looking at the Obama strategy I have to ask are the Jihadist our enemies still. It seems that they have become our allies even while we are still fighting them. Next thing you know we'll find out that Osama is still alive and the whole takedown was faked with a standin.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I think I hear that crickets thing.

If the crickets happen because we agree on a topic, why can't we all talk about that very subject that could unite us?
I say fuck em all. I'm tired us giving money to countries only to have them screw us over.
markroxny's Avatar
It's funny you bring up Osama, because wasn't he born out of the same type of thing you are talking about? Remember the Russians in Afghanistan? We backed Osama and his "jihadists" against the communists and it came back to bite us in the ass.

So if you are criticizing this type of can't just blame Obama, you gotta bring Reagan and a whole lot of other presidents in it too.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Interesting memory you have there. Osama goes back to Jimmy Carter. It was RR would made it possible for them to beat the Soviets but it was Jimmy Carter's failure and weak support that created the Mujahideen. Why it was Jimmy Carter who gave us the Iranian hostage crisis and a Iranian theocracy with their support for Hezballah and Hamas.
markroxny's Avatar
So no Republican president had anything to do with any of this stuff? Is that the idea?

Let me understand this, Libya sent more fighters to Iraq against us than any other country in the world. The center of Jihadist activites in Libya is Benghazi. Khaddafi was supported by us because he was controlling the Jihadist by keeping them down. So Obama sides with the Jihadists against Khaddafi and then he puts his ambassador in the lion's den for what?

So after looking at the Obama strategy I have to ask are the Jihadist our enemies still. It seems that they have become our allies even while we are still fighting them. Next thing you know we'll find out that Osama is still alive and the whole takedown was faked with a standin. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Don't get your panties in a bunch JD,just think back on all the country's we have supported or the strong men who would help us fight communism.Or had a place where we needed a strategic base.that ended up biting us in the ass.this is nothing new..
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Like a lot of things, such matters as this, frought with complexities, zing right over your little TeaParrotriot Domes. (See Warren G. Harding - in more ways than one)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Like a lot of things, such matters as this, frought with complexities, zing right over your little TeaParrotriot Domes. (See Warren G. Harding - in more ways than one) Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
What's with the racist remark about Warren G. Harding, Randy4Andy? Word is his great-grandmother was black. You Dims sure are a hypocritical lot!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Teapot Dome, idiot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Teapot Dome, idiot. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You made a negative remark about a man with African American heritage. In modern parlance, you're a fucking racist by the standards of the Kool Aid drinking Dims in this world, Randy4Andy!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-21-2012, 11:54 AM
Let me understand this, . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You would not understand it if we drew it on a coloring book.

It is much more complex than your selective mind is able to grasp.
I think I hear that crickets thing.

If the crickets happen because we agree on a topic, why can't we all talk about that very subject that could unite us? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
We do not agree.

You wrap complex issues'/history into soundbytes because that is wtf you heard.

You do not take the time to learn the history behind the Middle East. Yet you think you know WTF you are talking about.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-21-2012, 12:26 PM
The United States has provided security assistance to Lebanon in various forms since the 1980s, and the program has expanded considerably in recent years. Since fiscal year 2007, the United States has provided more than $700 million in security assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and Internal Security Forces (ISF) to equip those forces to combat terrorism and secure Lebanon’s borders against weapons smuggling to Hezbollah and other armed groups. U.S. security assistance is part of a broader assistance program designed to foster a stable, independent Lebanese government. Primary components of the assistance program include:

• More than $490 million in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) designed to support the LAF’s implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions.
• More than $6 million in International Military and Education Training (IMET) training to reduce sectarianism in the LAF and develop the force as a unifying national institution.
• More than $117 million in Section 1206 funds to move rapidly vehicle spare parts, ammunition, and other basic supplies to the LAF.
• More than $100 million in support for the ISF for training, equipment and vehicles, community policing assistance, and communications.

In 2005, after the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon prompted Syria to withdraw its occupation force and brought an anti-Syrian, pro-Western government to power, the United States increased its assistance to Lebanon. After the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, the United States refocused its policy toward building state security forces to enable them to assert control over the entire territory of the country and implement U.N. Security Council resolutions. To that end, the Bush Administration requested and Congress appropriated an expanded program of security assistance. The Obama Administration has maintained this commitment, requesting for FY2011 more than $132 million for the LAF and ISF.

For Congress, there are broader political questions about the purpose and potential limits of U.S. assistance to Lebanon. Some lawmakers are concerned that U.S.-provided equipment will be channeled to Hezbollah, while others suggest that it could be used by the LAF against Israel. At the same time, U.S. leaders and some Members of Congress have questioned whether U.S. policy fully considers the political position of the Lebanese and their elected leaders on issues of national defense.

On August 3, 2010, the LAF opened fire on an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) unit engaged in routine maintenance along the Blue Line, alleging that it had crossed into Lebanese territory. Two Lebanese soldiers, a journalist, and an Israeli officer were killed. Soon after the incident, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) issued a report confirming that the IDF had not been in Lebanese territory. In response, Congresswoman Nita Lowey, chair of the State Foreign Operations Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations placed a hold on the FY2010 $100 million FMF appropriation for Lebanon citing the need to “determine whether equipment that the United States provided to the Lebanese Armed Forces was used against our ally, Israel.” It is unclear how current concerns will impact Congressional consideration of the Administration’s FY2011 request for Lebanon. See also CRS Report R40054, Lebanon: Background and U.S. Relations, by Casey L. Addis

splain that Lucy
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Teapot Dome (from my head) where members of the Harding administration tried to sell off the Elk Ridge oil field for personal gain. The Elk Ridge field is part of the strategic oil reserve and belongs to the navy for fuel. This same field was later sold under highly questionable circumstances by Vice President Al Gore to democrat supporters.

On the way out the door, don't have time to do all the research.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ah, the literalist. Thanks for making my original case for me. No wonder you're doing time at a Kommunity Kollege.