What I Would Miss...

Tonight, I had an appointment with one of my favorite regulars. During our appointment we discussed various things about the hobby, leaving it being one of them. It got me thinking about him and if either of us left this lovely world of ours, what I would miss.

I would definitely miss my favorite regulars. One of the things I would miss the most would be the conversations we have. One of my faults, is that I am a know-it-all. But that's one of the things I love about this hobby. I get to have conversations with people who are much wiser and knowledgeable than I am, who add to my "know-it-all-ism". Wherever our conversations begin and end, I leave the appointment knowing more than when I entered it. Whether I know more about sex, taxes, photography, global warming, politics, religion, etc., I always feel smarter afterwards. I think if I ever left, that is what I would miss the most. Learning. Although it is not something I couldn't and wouldn't continue to do elsewhere, I wouldn't come across so many different, knowledgeable people. I enjoy picking your brains. I love that each one of you teaches me something. It is something I am very thankful for.

If you were to ever leave the hobby, what would you miss the most?
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Interesting little thread young lady. Like your way of thinking...
For me it's a reversal of sorts and a beginning to be more tolerant of others and looking at the world without some of the traditional baggage of my upbringing. No doubt I'd miss the drama. LOL It's a riot at times...
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I'll miss the great sex and intimacy I experience with my female friends. Great thread, you are a beauty op.... One day, one day...
I would miss having intimacy with a man, and him NOT treating me like a douche. I find real world men to be BUMS wanting a free nut, yet don't want to deal with EARNING my intimacy or the emotions that come with it.
pyramider's Avatar
Women use me for their tainted pleasures. My 1.3" of dangling death is legendary.
I didn't get into the hobby to make friends, I got into it to get what I could not get elsewhere. by that I mean uninhibited, slightly kinky sex with women who would otherwise be out of my league. Having said that, several of my favorite providers have retired and I miss both the intimacy and interaction with them. Bottom line... I would miss the kinky sex.... Vic
Prime Time's Avatar
Absolutely nothing. I'd save a ton of time and money.
HurleyDallas's Avatar
I have to admit, I mainly hobby for the thrill.....thrill of knocking on that door...thrill of having a 2nd persona, doing things I shouldn't be doing and not getting caught! Its always a rush to see what I can accomplish without anyone knowing!!

I got my typical hawt Dallas S/O out home! The typical goody two shoes woman who all my family loves and adores! Lol.......but I am the youngest of all my siblings...used to getting what I want, when I want it...basically a little bad boy deep inside!! But only Eecie knows of HurleyDallas!

So what would I miss the most? Easily...the thrill of the hunt and not getting caught!
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 05-11-2014, 03:58 PM
I would miss the experiences. Positive or negative life is just one cluster of experiences that will become memories. Sex is the ultimate goal but every one of my sessions have been different. Some i connect with the provider, others I'm with a girl way out of my league, others they fuck me silly, and others push my limits.
Guest091314's Avatar
Id miss the awesome varity of people I have the luxury of meeting
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-11-2014, 05:20 PM
I didn't get into the hobby to make friends, I got into it to get what I could not get elsewhere. by that I mean uninhibited, slightly kinky sex with women who would otherwise be out of my league. Having said that, several of my favorite providers have retired and I miss both the intimacy and interaction with them. Bottom line... I would miss the kinky sex.... Vic Originally Posted by Vic Kosslovich
I totally agree, let's not forget this hobby is business and nothing else, no friends, no relationships. I laugh when I see a provider post "I have made great friends here/working" stop paying these provider's and watch the friendships go down the tubes really quick.
RideFreeInTexas's Avatar
The thing I really like about the hobby is that I can have all the awesome sex and yes, even the emotional intimacy of a "relationship" without all the baggage and drama. And you don't have to go through the whole exhausting chess game of going out on dates and trying to figure out when to make a move, etc. Both parties know going in that sex is definitely going to happen, so you can have nice relaxing convos and such without worrying about messing up your chances, LOL! And it is soooo nice to just be able to head home afterwards without a care on your mind. I'm different than most here in that I'm single, but I still prefer hobbying to dating because it's just a hell of a lot less complicated! And I've got to say, the ladies I've met have all been wonderful- kind, considerate, friendly. I think if more people knew what a great setup hobbying is then the ladies would be a lot more busy
Kudos for a new and interesting question.

hard to say..

Probably the thing that requires much more effort without the benefit of the hobby and Eccie-mart...the company of nubile girls half my age; the way their boobs and their ass defy gravity and their virginesque looking flowers.

Giggity giggity!
OldGrump's Avatar
What a variety! I can't keep up with hot sex like I used to. Not even close. I enjoy touching a soft woman and feeling her touch in return. I also like discussing a variety of things.

I know I could join a club to discuss all types of interests, but I prefer one-on-one chats. In a group I tend to clam up partly because of shyness and partly because groups usually have some asshole who thinks they are the authority and that turns me off.

Jillian, soon my dear.