Somebody is photgraphing hobbyists' cars in Houston

blowpop's Avatar
There is a guy driving around Houston taking photos of cars outside hobby spots, running the plates, then publishing the info.

****** link removed. RL names revealed when pic moused over- Pistolero

I recognize some of the locations. Be careful out there.

(Mods: If you feel this is more appropriate elsewhere, please move it.)
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Thanks for the heads up
BigLouie's Avatar
Not that nut again. Has happened before.
Thank gawd I always park around the

What a douche bag...he should just hang out in front of Treasures and try doing that...his camera would be shoved up his ass...
LexusLover's Avatar
There is a guy driving around Houston taking photos of cars outside hobby spots, running the plates, then publishing the info.

I recognize some of the locations. Be careful out there.

(Mods: If you feel this is more appropriate elsewhere, please move it.) Originally Posted by blowpop
bp ... the link is what ... esta no bueno ... mouse over the pics provides REAL INFO....

.. the nut case has run the plates, gotten registration, and coded the pics with it.

I would say ... delete the link so real world info is not being published on this site.

You probably didn't notice.
It's not a guy, it's a fat hating bitch.

blowpop's Avatar
Thanks, LL. I didn't notice the info on the page, but I don't see a problem with posting the link.

It's purely speculative - the cars in the lots could be there for a number of reasons, including visiting neighboring businesses. (If I were one of the guys whose car was photographed, I'd be on the phone to my lawyer suing the hell out of this guy for libel.)

I think letting the community know what is happening is important. When I visited studios back in the day, I always parked down the street. Here's a good example of why that's a good idea.

But if the mods choose to edit the link, I'll abide by their wisdom.
LexusLover's Avatar
Not that nut again. Has happened before. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Mouse over the pics. Don't think so.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Woooowww that is super messed up!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Back in my Treasures days, a woman would photo cars in the parking lot then MAIL a letter to the house addressed to "The Lady of the House". The letter said the attached photo was taken on xxx date in the Treasure's Strip Club parking lot and gave the time.

There was no return address!
Back in my Treasures days, a woman would photo cars in the parking lot then MAIL a letter to the house addressed to "The Lady of the House". The letter said the attached photo was taken on xxx date in the Treasure's Strip Club parking lot and gave the time.

There was no return address! Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
My friend got one of those, but the problem was it was not her car or husband, just some creepy old guy leaving the parking lot. We still laugh about saving grandpa's good name.
TexasGator's Avatar
...just for a second or 2. No disrespect to "modtardom" intended, but this one defies any semblance of logic.

On this site:

1) no one posted pics of license plates;
2) same is true for real names; nor
3) handles posted.

On linked site:

1) no eccie handles mentioned;
2) no reference to eccie; nor
3) reasonable expectation names revealed upon mouse over = eccie handle.

I'm amongst the most ardent "fear of outing" voices you'll ever hear. But what purpose does deleting a link those few who might be compromised might appreciate?

Just a thought... if those you intended to protect are unable to confront the source...Remind me who your edit protected?
ZedX79's Avatar
notanewbie's Avatar
good point TG

I have heard of this occurring currently. edit.
notanewbie's Avatar
Kosair? Originally Posted by ZedX79
I doubt he is to blame this time around.