Sex worker/Stripper Charity Tech Camp

I want to start a charity camp for sex workers and strippers where they go to a free camp and get taught a technology certification like A+. There can even be a shorts on screening clients with tech (though the goal is to get them out of sex work, at least they will be seeing somewhat safer clients since they are heavily screened)

I want it to be a camp where they come, have a stable roof over their head, are fed healthy foods, and can learn in an environment where they feel safe to ask all the newbie questions they want.

There would have to be a class on how to get a real job with a prostitution or drug charge on your record.

There would also be an post graduation class where they learn how to write a resume and practice interviewing skills. There would also be a career center available where the girls would have help in finding a real world job using their new certification.

I need sponsorship. Anyone have any ideas on companies that would not be ashamed to sponsor this?
Nice idea. I hope you get sponsorship
Sleepy363's Avatar
I would like to start a charity camp for strippers and sex workers where they get to go to my bedroom.

Any sponsors for my endeavor?


Good luck with your idea.. hope it works out!
I would suggest you research what organizations are already out there doing similar work. You may find it easier to help them then start something new, and at the very least they would be able to give you direction you aren't likely to find here.

Good luck!
Most of it sounds good, but teaching them screening and other safe ways to do illegal activities could really be opening a big can of worms.
Thank you HR. Very good point. I appreciate it as I am allergic to red tape.
Kimchi's Avatar
Noble thought, but I think HR is correct.

I also think she was referring to a different colored tape - LOL

LazurusLong's Avatar
Might I suggest Camp Climax for a name?
SirThomasTew's Avatar
Might I suggest Camp Climax for a name? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I read somewhere that name may already be taken for an entirely different kind of vocational training retreat. Might I suggest Kamp Klimaxxx?
My sister went to a camp like this.
Great idea!