Men with piercings

Now I am very liberal and not much catches me off guarded,however, I have began offering other services and have seen a diverse range of gentlemen. I have had two gentlemen that did catch me off guard. One had little metal balls implanted under the skin of his penis 3 on each side. OK than the other day the gentlemen warned me he had piercings what he failed to mention was they were larger versions of a clit ring and he had 10-12 going down the center of his balls...I was like just wondering what your thoughts are. I can see a PA but these two seem to have gone over the top and but said it doesn't add to intercourse...I didn't have the opportunity to find out the was not what the session was about...Thoughts????
Still Looking's Avatar
WOW! I guess we all turn into our moms and dads at some point. Thats when you start not understanding! I don't get it!
topsgt38801's Avatar
All I can say is ouch. Whatever makes them happy. I cannot see what it would add to anyones enjoyment.

To each their own, but I can't say I've ever looked at my balls and thought, "gee... I really need to start accessorizing".
  • Taint
  • 07-02-2011, 12:10 PM
Next season on MTV: Pimp My Crotch
offshoredrilling's Avatar
could a Jacob's Ladder get caught on a clit ring. errrr just asking
I used to run with a dude that had a ring thru his pee-hole. At first I thought GODDAMN!!! Then his girlfreind said she wasn't going anywhere unless he beat her. Hmmm. Then I started considering it. Then I came to my senses. That might violate one of my rules. That said Some girls say they like it. Hey, whatever creams your twinkie.
Still Looking's Avatar
See I don't get it! I'd rather "CREAM TWINKIES" than put holes in my little buddy! Guess that’s just me!