What is your definition of a CLOCK WATCHER?

ANONONE's Avatar
You know so many ads and reviews read, "not a clock watcher," I am wondering if perhaps it would be helpful to have a discussion on exactly what that term means to you. Providers and Hobbyist alike are encouraged to offer their perspective.

trekker's Avatar
Obviously, I'm paying to spend a specific amount of time with a provider, so there has to be some awareness of the time that's passed, but it's a real turnoff to see her constantly looking at the clock and telling me exactly how much time is left.
There was a similar discussion at the mothership.

Questions tended to revolve around what activities should be included in the time frame contracted for:
  1. If a shower is needed is it included?
  2. If talk re: breaking the ice occurs, is it included?
  3. What if there is a lot of IMing, PMing, Texting? Does it eventually work its way into the time?
  4. What about post-session time?
  5. What if the parties agree on a longer time?
If any of you can think of other things that might be in a gray are, plz list it.
Willen's Avatar
They don't need to actually say anything. Sometimes you can see them glancing at the clock and speeding up the tempo of things. Message: "Let's get this over with."

Now, I personally don't mind it when she tells me when I make the appointment that she's up against a deadline. That way I can minimize the chit chat at the start, and mentally try make sure that I enojy myself without causing her to have to hurry to make whatever her next commitment (in hobby or not) is.
Originally Posted by ANONONE
BTW, ANONONE, that looks like Kelly Ripa. Is it her? Might be her husband, too, but it's been a while since I've seen him. Heard he was a stud on the soap where they met.
ANONONE's Avatar
No idea, CT. It was just a funny picture I ran across while doing something else and it made me think of the topic.

One thing I find awesome is a provider that can watch time, without watching time. Those that can feel their way around completing a session without the session coming off as if it was scripted often make it on my ATF list.

By the way, we need to fix that acronym, ATF. All Time Favorite really makes no sense because it is serving as a superlative adjectives and if you are like me, you are referring to anywhere between three to seven ladies at any given time, not one. Shouldn't it be SOL:


Or something better?

I digress. . .

So, one provider I frequented years ago seemed to always play the same exact music every time we met. I asked her if she really liked those songs and she giggled and explained to me that it was a song list she made of music she liked, that ran exactly sixty minutes. It gave her a general way of casually measuring time without being rude or a "clock-watcher." That was the first time I had heard the phrase used. Upon reflection I see a deeper meaning. The true artisan provider can keep us inside her parameters while creating the illusion that there are no parameters.

Ever since then, I now have a one of those little I-pod things programmed with a couple of different play-lists that are right around an hour with a variety of music genres depending on the mood. I use it for every outcall and any incall where a lady will permit it. The jazzy ones are great for DATY!

Cpalmson's Avatar
To me a clock watcher is someone who is clearly in the business only for the $$$. She's the type of provider who is not likely to be GFE or into the "romance" portion of the encounter. She's the type who demands money upfront and counts it to make sure it is all there. She's the provider who has to check in (i.e. start the clock). She's the type of provider who will not go any further after a certain time period because you might run over the session if you don't complete on time. She is also likely to be a provider who doesn't allow MSOG. She is also probably a high volume provider.

A non-clock watcher is the type of provider who gets caught up in the moment and really enjoys the full aspect of the profession. She probably doesn't book back to back clients knowing things may run over a bit. Bottom line, the attitude is much more friendly and accommodating.
Sensei's Avatar
To me a clock-watcher is a provider who makes it obvious that there is a time limit. Though I fully expect to keep within the allotted time frame, I don't need any time hacks during the session. One particularly bad provider seemed to have a script, it was like...ok we are done with that now lets do this, ok enough of that, its time to go, not done yet? Finish on your own.
It's a hint when she sets the alarm the minute you walk through the door. lol
hwygnome's Avatar
When the gal wears a clock like Flavor Flav or has a clock that shows the time on the wall or ceiling.

To me the non clock watchers are those that will go with the flow or will extend time on occasion if things are going good. I have had several do this. Sorry guys. The bad part is if the buddy starts calling and calling (repeatedly) until nether of you can take it anymore and it ruins the mood. That happened to me once and her bud knew she was with me and there should not have been a problem since I had picked her up from home and was going to take her back afterwords. Thankfully that problem never happened again.

I think one really did set the microwave timer on me, or was it the dryer?
As has been said, one should be aware of the time yet not show it. And of course a shower is part of the time!!!
ANONONE's Avatar
As has been said, one should be aware of the time yet not show it. And of course a shower is part of the time!!! Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
A shower with you, or a quick wash off on the way out the door or before the session begins if we came right from work or some other task they may have left us less than fresh?
atlcomedy's Avatar
As has been said, one should be aware of the time yet not show it. And of course a shower is part of the time!!! Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
I think that is the simple, correct answer.

Imbedded in that is she makes no effort to short your time. An hour is 60 minutes; not 45 or 50 minutes with a few minutes for her to freshen up for her next date.

As for the shower and the other side questions Tudor raised, it is pretty simple: The clock starts when she greets you hello & stops when you say goodbye. It includes activities like a shower, using the restroom, chit chat, having a drink, etc. All other activities including predate phone calls, emails, etc. and travel time are off the clock.

The exception is if you (the client) are late to her incall, she can start the clock at the scheduled start of the date (however, if possible a quality provider will give you all or most of your time to ensure a satisfactory experience). If she is late getting to your outcall or her own incall (believe me it happens more than you'd think), your clock starts when she actually shows up. It is totally unacceptable for her to short your time or rush you even if she has a legitimate commitment of the back end if it was her fault your session started late; in fact she has already been inconsiderate of your time by being tardy.

This should go without saying, but it is inappropriate for her to take phone calls during your time.
The following example is extremely rare, but it is listed to make the point that each provider (normally over a period of time) sets her own rules:

First of all, let me say that due to my travel schedule I was never able to meet with this provider, but I have no reason to believe her desire would still be true. In her ad, she stated that she always like to have a meal with any hobbyist she was seeing for the first time before session in order to "break the ice." I emailed her and asked point blank if that time was part of the BCD session. Her answer: No. According to her, it helped her (and the date) relax that much more and provided for a better session.
atlcomedy's Avatar
@CT - agree - the important thing is that exceptations are clarified.

Also, note, this is different than the oft-asked/requested, "Can we just meet for a drink and see if we click?" Here (unless something goes terribly wrong), she is still getting a paid session.

Many providers achieve the same thing by offering a "dinner date" package that has a significantly discounted hourly rate, but the expectation is you really have a nice dinner (& I'm not talking about room service)