It all depends on how it is worded if it makes it legal or not?

grtrader's Avatar
First, off I am not acting as an attorney or giving any legal advice. This is simply an observation from my work back ground. I worked in the US Navy as a Nuclear Reactor operator. You can guess how many laws evolve around nuclear and security. More than I can count. I also worked for DOD / DLA after that and had to deal with Everything from OSHA laws, contract law, employment laws, state law on safety... the list goes on and on.

Just as laws are supposed to use specific wordings to let you know what you can and can't do. Getting around laws is the same deal.
Examples: A law that says can or should is a maybe law meaning they recommend you do it but it doesn't use the word must.
When it comes to screwing people over and getting around laws the federal government is very good at it.

Let start with some simple examples. Saying something like, "I offer greek for 100 dollars," is prostitution if you follow through on the intent to sell. Different areas may prosecute you either using that as evidence or as that being the basis of the charge. I don't know every states laws. I would suggest you consult an attorney in any state you are thinking about working in.

However, if someone asked you a list of questions such as an interview. One of the questions was, "is there anything you would like to share with us about what you do and don't like for sex" and you replied back, "I like DFK, CG, RCG, DATY, Greek... but I don't like...." that isn't a solicitation.
Even if in the next question he asks how much do you charge for your time what are your rates. As long as it doesn't directly involve putting a price on sex.

That is what I have observed.

Lets go a little further so why are all the women on BP and so on doing this. Ignorance not stupidity in most cases. Why is CL and BP not doing anything about it. Well CL is more than most sites more than they have to. If you paid any attention to the court case they were involved in the judge correctly interpreted the law that the site is protected from being blamed for the actions of the poster. BP knows this so they got a statement on their site against it. They have a few automated controls that do remove some words ... but they aren't really concerned.

Let me put it this way just because the site isn't concerned does not mean you should not be. They have a law protecting them. You don't. If a Prosecutor subpoenas the info from the site and copes the add they can link you to posting the ad and I will hard pressed to believe there is anyway you can suppress that as evidence. Again ask your own attorney don't take my word for it.

Depending how a states laws are written they can prosecute you with different amounts of evidence. Example. I believe it is NC can prosecute you for DWI or DUI not sure which just for having the car keys on you when you are intoxicated. Some states you have to be behind the wheel even just parked. Some you have to actually be driving. If you look you will probably find the amount of evidence need to prosecute someone for prostitution varies as much.

How I would stage questions and answers can be seen on my site. I did it for a reason. I haven't looked to see lately if all the answers are in line with the intent. But you can see what I did on it. I think my site is link on my profile here.

Again I am not offering any form of legal advice I suggest you talk to a lawyer in your state or the region you plan on doing business. They can tell you the ins and outs of the law. All this is is my observations of what I seen and my experience with the law.
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

You do have a point and I was wondering why you don't post this on BP or CL, too!

I think the problem comes in to play is that the consumer wants all this information, which blows my mind. Back in the day, any lady that was in the biz provided the three (3) major food groups (no DFK). Now a days, you have some many guys turning out girls so fast and not teaching them the "real" deal, the consumer is suffering. A true hobbiest doesn't need all that information when dealing with a professional companion!

grtrader's Avatar

You do have a point and I was wondering why you don't post this on BP or CL, too!

I think the problem comes in to play is that the consumer wants all this information, which blows my mind. Back in the day, any lady that was in the biz provided the three (3) major food groups (no DFK). Now a days, you have some many guys turning out girls so fast and not teaching them the "real" deal, the consumer is suffering. A true hobbiest doesn't need all that information when dealing with a professional companion!

Originally Posted by WetVelvetSAT
The short answer is BP band me from posting on their site because of something they did. Seriously they did.
CL would just kick the post anyway.

Way to many women get into this industry and pimps have always been bad the industry suffers for them in most cases.

As for me a male running a website. I refuse to collect from the women. Second I would much rather see what I can do to improve things rather than just see what I can get out of it like most sites.

Fact of a matter is a good website could actually provide additional ways ,once it has grown large enough, for the women to make money on the site.

If escorts went through and created their own board sort of like lawyers and self regulated it probably would get more widely accepted.

How many sites actually offer any form of classes in anything safety, programming, photography, .... whatever, it could give that extra income boost the woman needs in tough times or lead to a career. how about something practical safety.

I could make a massive list of things I am working on and would love to do.

Most the women I know doing this. This isn't the first choice of a job. So many reasons exist as to how they got into it and why they are still in it.

My issue is I am one person a single parent, I get side tracked when I am looking for nookie also, I bite of more than one project and I get side tracked between them.... The list goes on I am far from perfect.
Well good luck....
On getting this message out.
I think your intentions, are great.

Sometimes, I feel as though, some are beating, a dead horse.
*shaking my head*