while the majority of providers / hobbists here are most likely more into deeper connections with their provider friends, i'm curious --

- what's a hobbist seeking when booking an fbsm / fbst (touch) appointment (other than an hj, etc.)? relaxation? getting back in touch with their bodies / the sense of touch? eroticism?

- what does a hobbist look for in a provider in this area?

- how much does the hobbist care about the surrounding environment for the appointment? lighting ambiance, aroma, etc.?
Jake2.1's Avatar
When I am seeking a fbsm I think that environment is more important. I like the dimly lit room with some sort of nice smell (candle or incense). I do like it to be warm although I realize that the girl is having to work hard and don't want her to be too uncomfortable. My biggest pet peeve is having some sort of radio station going that isn't soft relaxing music. I am all for the oriental/newage stuff at that moment. Something that is so non-descript that I can lose myself in it. As to the massage, I still like pressure but if we are talking sensual, I love the light strokes after the area has been worked on. The skin on skin thing is nice as well. I guess I prefer to get some sort of working of the muscles followed by the erotic feeling of a woman's touch. Get so relaxed and then get worked up for the end which then gives full relaxation again. The best experience to me can be described as riding waves of relax then erotic then relax, etc. But make the happy ending last, keep the little boy stiff for awhile.

I tend to look to MP's for this since they usually have the massage training. They also tend to be in a different price range than providers. MP's seem to do better on the massage but then rush the BCD. I have tried getting 2 hr massage but the MP's still spend 90% of the time on the massage even though they know I want BCD. So I tend to see providers for that full hour of sensual fun vs relaxation with MP's. Now if a provider or even an MP gave me a 2 hr rate that was 1 hr of massage followed by 1 hr of BCD, that would be totally awesome - the ultimate experience.
TGF's Avatar
  • TGF
  • 03-08-2010, 07:48 AM
For me, what I want out of an FBSM encounter is a very heavy emphasis on the S in FBSM - indeed we can go directly to S as far as I am concerned. I love mutual S enjoyment as well - that is I love a very sensual interaction. My preference is L2 but do love a great prolonged L1 finish.
runswithscissors's Avatar
the sense of touch is completely erotic in itself. feather lite touches, fingers lightly brushing through the hair of your arms or legs, not even touching skin sometimes. I think it is a combination of lighting,( dim ) candles, soft music barely there in the background. Crisp sheets with no scent. Slow sensual movements, touching the body, never leaving body contact with your client, meaning always have a hand or arm or other in contact at all times through the session. You will be suprised that it can break the mood of the session. A warm hug at the beginning and after, again, it is all about contact, slow and confident.
runs, it sounds like you are very familiar with professional massage training stuff.

ALL of my sessions are as you describe darlin'...it's amazing to me why anyone would settle for less!