Koch Industries profited from doing business with Iran

Has anyone bothered to mention this here on this site?


"After the breaking news that federal authorities foiled an assassination plot linked to the Iranian government, it’s even more important that we know the full extent of the ties between Iran and the right-wing Big Oil billionaire Koch Brothers.

More than a week after Bloomberg’s investigation found Koch Industries profited from doing business with Iran, House Republican Leadership has responded with silence.

The controversial Republican billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch have spent untold millions bankrolling right-wing candidates and causes. Now they are the subject of the Bloomberg report that Koch Industries benefited from bribes to win business and sold millions of dollars of equipment to the Iranian regime, which is known for their sponsorship of terrorism and calls of "death to America."

This is all despite American trade sanctions against Iran and the country’s known links to financing terrorists.

After the new development that U.S. authorities foiled an assassination plot in America linked to the Iranian government, the business dealings of the Koch Brothers with Iran are all the more troubling and unacceptable.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Those Capitalists Pigs!

Some one should burn them.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Soros Builds on Petrobras Holdings in First Quarter


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