An irritating experience, request for comment

Greetings all:

Over the last week or so I have even chasing a couple of well-reviewed providers, and was just stood up by one of them. The other essentially blew me off after some contact.

With regard to the one who stood me up: we had exchanged a few phone calls, texts, PMs, and emails trying to work out a time to meet. We had originally planned on yesterday, but as the time approached and I tried to confirm, I got a story about something coming up and could we do just a 1/2 hour. I wasn't interested in that so I suggested we try again today. She agreed.

I attempted tto confirm via text 2 hrs before and received a brief reply that she wasn't able to communicate at that time. Replied no problem. Called 30 min before the expected time to confirm, no answer. Texted. No answer. Called a couple more times, no answer.

With the other provider... We had arranged to meet in advance briefly to screen. That fell through, and additional attempts to contact her have gone unanswered.

So... WTF is going on? Did I become a pariah suddenly? Or is the LE scrutiny have everyone just brin super careful? I HATE lousy customer service. It's hard enough for me to ever get a chance to take advantage of the hobby, and this is just making me not want to bother.

Comments welcome...
Bigh1955's Avatar
Sometimes life happens for providers just like it does for us, and you just have to grin and bare it...and call another lady, if that's what you want to do.

I recently had an overnight planned with one of my ATFs, I even canx'd a hotel reservation in Dallas then changed my flight reservations to accomodate the overnight. She called me as I was boarding and said her mom was driving into town. There were some serious issues her mom was dealing with. My ATF was VERY upset, pissed off I don't think it was BS. So much for the overnight! The fact is I was glad she took the time to be a good daughter - it speaks to her character.

I don't think you've become a pariah...I dunno...maybe you did. Chances are you just ran into life happening.
pyramider's Avatar
Real life happens. If you thinck its bullshit, see another lady. If she contacts you with a believable excuse, reschedule. It happens to all of us.
do you care to tell us (via PM, I mean) who the intended companions were so that others can avoid them?
do you care to tell us (via PM, I mean) who the intended companions were so that others can avoid them? Originally Posted by catlore_55
I would be interested in knowing as well.
do you care to tell us (via PM, I mean) who the intended companions were so that others can avoid them? Originally Posted by catlore_55
I would also like that info. It would come in handy Knowing who I might want to avoid!
newyorkboy's Avatar
Add me to that list of wanting to know via PM. Thanks!
Osolomio's Avatar
And me, please. I'd like to see if at least one of them is one with whom I've been trying to schedule an appointment.
I hesitate to provide the names publicly, as I don't want to irritate the young ladies or cause any other issues for them down the road. Both of them had originally seemed very genuine, and the initial contact was promising. I'm just curious to see if this has been more common lately.

I'll PM those who asked, but please don't turn this into a public display of those ladies.
The other part to being hesitant is that one of them has contacted me with a plausible excuse and has offered a discount. I'm waiting to see where that goes before I pass final judgement ��.
12blue4u's Avatar
I do not think it would be a good idea to pass judgement on the girls for what may have just been bad timing.
Agreed, which is why I am simply expressing frustration and inquiring if others have had similar experiences of late.

I believe both of the ladies to be quality providers and good people, but the communication has been underwhelming, which is unexpected.

As stated previously, I have received an apologetic contact from one of the ladies, and will see where things go. Hopefully we can reconcile with some great makeup sex ��.
I understand the frustration. It seems as if when I am SUPER excited to meet someone for is the day my boss doesn't let me leave the office.....if he only knew that "tanning" is VERY important and not ONLY for me!!! LOL
Felyxx's Avatar
Yes Miss O "tanning" is extremely important! Lol
LOL, I can relate!! That's why I have to block off time on my calendar as "Work Blocks" ��