Randy4Candy's Avatar
Has the Teawipe rat wang gotten so weak that they've got to trot out some dumbass who's in the first month of office to front this bullsh*t? Y'all be sure to send him a bunch of money unless you're suppoting Lil' Miz Palin's habits now that she's unemployed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Apparently Iran supports the Hagel nomination. Go figure.
Good chance Hagel nomination might get pulled; look to Obama to double down on an Arabist for DOD.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Good chance Hagel nomination might get pulled; look to Obama to double down on an Arabist for DOD. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Is this one of your well documented (and ALWAYS "interesting") trends, Trendaway? If so, good luck with that. Methinks your "inside information" comes from inside your (or IBSyndrome's) colon.
joe bloe's Avatar
Awesome. Ted Cruz crushed Hagel like a bug. There is no doubt why Obama chose Hagel; he's an enemy of Israel. I hope Ted Cruz runs for the presidency in 2016.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Randy do you have anything pertinent to add...anything....something... okay. Nothing there. I think Hagel tripped and fell on his sword today.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Randy do you have anything pertinent to add...anything....something... okay. Nothing there. I think Hagel tripped and fell on his sword today. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
THAT (?!?) was a pertinent addition? If you say so........

Cornyhole, you Teawipe geniuses come in here and post scurrilous links accompanyied by your little band of troubadors' "expert" commentary and you have the temerity to try to come at me with that limp b.s.?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "Stay out of the floor stripper." You can't deal with the vapors.
joe bloe's Avatar
Randy do you have anything pertinent to add...anything....something... okay. Nothing there. I think Hagel tripped and fell on his sword today. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I think Ted Cruz took Hagel's sword and shoved up Hagel's ass.
I think Ted Cruz took Hagel's sword and shoved up Hagel's ass. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Apparently, Politico does not agree with Joe the Bloehard's analysis of Senator Dud Cruz.. What else is new?

From Politico:

Hagel seemed to agree with the caller’s general point, but it wasn’t clear he heard or understood the reference to Israel. Cruz’s tactic drew a negative response from some observers, who suggested it was unfair to blame TV show guests for random, often offensive statements by those who happen to call in.

Cruz later tried a similar tack, trying to link Hagel to Chas Freeman, a longtime intelligence official Obama selected to head a national intelligence panel in 2009 but dropped after pro-Israel groups charged that Freeman’s record showed a hostility to Israel.

Cruz asked Hagel if he took an overseas trip with Freeman. Hagel said he’d never done so. Later, the questioning got even further afield, as Cruz asked Hagel to read a speech Freeman gave and say whether he agreed with the statements in it. So by the hearing’s end, Hagel was not being questioned about his long list of controversial statements but by someone else’s remarks in a speech he said he’d not attended or read.

Jennifer Epstein contributed to this report.

The full story can be found at:
cptjohnstone's Avatar Originally Posted by Whirlaway
he is lock step with his leader
That's a good cartoon CptJ...
You talk like Politico is somehow a neutral arbitrator in politics. Politico is working to save the Hagel nomination.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is good to finally have a senator from Texas that is not just another good old boy repuke.
joe bloe's Avatar
It is good to finally have a senator from Texas that is not just another good old boy repuke. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Cruz sounds like he's not going to soften the conservative message to avoid scaring the moderates. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are probably the two strongest voices for conservatism in the GOP. I like the sound of a Rand Paul- Ted Cruz ticket in 2016. The economy will be in complete collapse by then; maybe people will be willing to start rebuilding from the ashes and turn away from socialism. I hope so.