Influx of Dallas Providers

I noticed a lot of Dallas providers are appearing in Houston this week. Is the Ebola scare working to our advantage?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I noticed a lot of Dallas providers are appearing in Houston every week. Is the glut of providers there working to our advantage? Originally Posted by idiotabroad
datyking's Avatar
I noticed a lot of Dallas providers are appearing in Houston this week. Is the Ebola scare working to our advantage? Originally Posted by idiotabroad
I don't know about you, but I find it a disadvantage. With as little known as to the spread of this disease, do you really want to take a chance with a Dallas provider? I'm sure the chances are remote that they have been exposed, but why even take the chance on a very quick death sentence.
Lol are you suggesting a boycott on Dallas providers? Good luck on that. Lol

I don't know about you, but I find it a disadvantage. With as little known as to the spread of this disease, do you really want to take a chance with a Dallas provider? I'm sure the chances are remote that they have been exposed, but why even take the chance on a very quick death sentence. Originally Posted by datyking
Stalion's Avatar
I say they should start selling their pussy at half price. There is a risk, you
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-15-2014, 10:31 AM
Seeing as you can get Ebola from sweat if one did get that shit we are all doomed lol. Aids will look like a cold at best.
Maybe they're coming down now because the weather ain't so fucking HOT.
I don't know about you, but I find it a disadvantage. With as little known as to the spread of this disease, do you really want to take a chance with a Dallas provider? I'm sure the chances are remote that they have been exposed, but why even take the chance on a very quick death sentence. Originally Posted by datyking
Very interesting perspective. I'm waiting for the news to break next week that more people were exposed than we thought.
boardman's Avatar
Very interesting perspective. I'm waiting for the news to break next week that more people were exposed than we thought. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Next week? Frieden said that's a strong possibility yesterday.

I'm stocking up on toilet paper...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Cats don't wipe their ass after they shit. You hoarding so you can sell it for an outrageous amount after the ebola-apocalypse
boardman's Avatar
Cats don't wipe their ass after they shit. You hoarding so you can sell it for an outrageous amount after the ebola-apocalypse Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Damn right! I'm a Capitalist cat.
Cat's don't get ebola either so I can inspect taint without fear.

Next week? Frieden said that's a strong possibility yesterday.

I'm stocking up on toilet paper... Originally Posted by boardman

I'm ready just like I was ready during the Anthrax scare. I had a stockpile of medicine that I got from a source to deal with that. For this one I have some stuff that I think works (immune system builder) to some extent. I'm also looking for a Hazmat suit as part of my end of world Zombie survival kit. I'm gonna go nuts soon. (cue the jokes)
boardman's Avatar
One word Zany,
Fish antibiotics...
One word Zany,
Fish antibiotics... Originally Posted by boardman
got something more potent than that but thanks.
boardman's Avatar
got something more potent than that but thanks. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
What? A cork?
Cuz that's what you're gonna need when you start shittin your guts out.

Pepto Bismol and Immodium don't scare ebola!

What's really worrisome is all that shit running down the Trinity River and contaminating our water supply in Livingston.

A bunch of guys were going on a hunting trip. After a day of hunting, they had bagged a pretty big buck. They skinned it, cleaned it,a nd settled down for a night of camping and drinking.

After they were all pretty drunk, one of them wanders off to the woods to take a shit. He drops his pants, sits down on a log, and passes out.

Later on, his friends find him. They decide to place all the deer guts under him, so that when he woke up, he'd think he shit his guts out.

They get everything arranged, and return to the fire. An hour or so later, the one guy returns, with a scared look on his face, and walking a little funny.

"What happened?" they say, "You look like you saw a ghost!" "Well, I was out there in the woods, and I shit my guts out" "My God! Are you OK?" they ask.

And he replies,"Yes. By the grace of God and this crooked stick, I got them all back in.