An Apology

As some of you may have noticed I have been MIA the past couple weeks , and you deserve to know why . I'm very sorry but I have family in town for an event at the end of the month so it makes my hobby time very limited ..and yes they are staying with me . I am able however to play at a near by hotel for short engagements ..and last minute is not an option ...

I just felt like I needed to come on here and explain that things are very hectic and if I miss your call or text I'm very sorry and once the pests are out of the house I'll be ready to rock and roll again ...and those that have tried to book will be receiving discounts ..thanks for understanding
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
Sup slut?
Huh ?
torpedo69's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Your pennance should be posting taint photos ... ijs.
^^^^ yes. Taint may have visitors ... but never goes MIA.
ZedX79's Avatar
Just take a few facials and call me in the morning.
Enjoy your family and never mind the trolls. I know you'll be back when you can.

Allison - good to hear from you sweetie. Family always comes first.


p.s. ignore the idiot.
Hey Ally!!!! Ignore the vermin. Family first.
Don't worry....she loves all of us but three.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 10-19-2014, 12:06 PM
Nice note Allison. Good luck with the family thing. They can suck the life outta you. Lol
Your pennance should be posting taint photos ... ijs. Originally Posted by pyramider

Seems fair… :-0
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Allison thanks for the info and hope your time with family goes well. Nice of you to keep us informed...!
I love her lips .........