Here you go, Tinman...

Has anyone ever had crabs?

I caught them a long time ago. I don't even think I was 21yrs old yet. Anyway. I got rid of them by shaving and then pouring turpentine on my skin. Yes, turpentine. Do not ask me how I came up with that brilliant idea because I haven't the slightest clue. This was before Al Gore invented the internet so I'm guessing one of my dumbass 20yr old friends told me that would kill them and since I was an art major I just happened to have some sitting around.

I do know that I've been bare down there ever since. It's just such a great feeling. Going bare, I mean. Not crabs. Crabs sucked.

So who else has crab stories? Surely, I'm not the only nasty fucker on here with such a *tickling* experience.

Grace Preston's Avatar
So lemme get this straight.

First you have a stincky pussy...

And now you've just followed Tinman's request... and gave him crabs

Only on Eccie
Sadly, I have to get back to work now. I'll be looking forward to reading about everyone's crabs later. That means you too, Grace. Be the ball.
TinMan's Avatar
I caught crabs before. I used a chicken neck and string.
But they feel so good to scratch.

Just watch "Last American Virgin" when the guys all get crabs from the big red headed hooker. Trying to drown them in a swimming pool.
HDnTX's Avatar
  • HDnTX
  • 06-21-2016, 01:05 PM
i remember a guy in high school had em....... he was freaking...... sprayed himself with hotshot; it worked
Grace Preston's Avatar
I confess. I have caught crabs.

I used to live down in Florida-- would set the traps out in the morning, come home from work that afternoon, and pull up my traps. Nothing like fresh blue crab, a little potato, and some fresh corn.
i got blue crabs one time, to go with my blue balls..... sorry could not resist an off topic comment. please carry on
I heard crabs are best when you cook em in a dry pot for seven minutes. But damn that seems mean.
Phrodo's Avatar
A friend of mine got crabs in college. Had to shave his beard.
Invisible1's Avatar
Crabs are freakin' crotch lice. Had em in college. Ugg... I remember finding one of those tiny suckers crawling on my lower stomach and being really pissed off.... And itchy. Still not sure exactly how i got them. I figured some fucker (or coed) brought them into the dorm.... they were probably crawling around from people's clothing to people's beds... Whatever... It sucked. A bunch of guys on my hall got them. My roomate and i went to the infirmary for that horrible smelling crabicide liquid and we also fumigated our room, which got rid of the roaches too. He he hee. I have trimmed or manscaped my junk ever since. Also since then, my fav ladies are completely smooth.... No crab worries and they look awesome naked, in a bikini or in a teenie-tiny thong.
Ugh this thread seems crabby lmao i had to do it.
Does anyone else giggle a little when they hear Sponge Bob talk about "Crabby patties"?

There's so many nasty sex joke references in Sponge Bob. It makes it a little less annoying, but not much.
ManSlut's Avatar
Dear Modtards,

Shouldn't this be moved to the Self-Alert forum?

Your friend always you fuckers,
