Anybody catch the new "Beto" Campaign Ad?

I can't find a link to it anywhere on the Web, but he looks like he just got off of an all night drunk. There is also a big old Herpes Sore on his lip.

That is about as appealing as pretending to be a Hispanic.
winn dixie's Avatar
I can't find a link to it anywhere on the Web, but he looks like he just got off of an all night drunk. There is also a big old Herpes Sore on his lip.

That is about as appealing as pretending to be a Hispanic. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Being in Travis County I have seen more than my share of beto ads...

Or should I say the fake latino.....hahahahaaaaahhhhhah ahaha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s missing a bet by not ripping the Canadian cupcake Kris.


Wow. I guess you won’t be kissing him anymore, eh?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
What is it about Beto’s white infected hairy ass that makes libtards want to suck it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s not Cruz
oilfieldace's Avatar
Cruz has already moped the floor with idiot Beto ass.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Facts don't matter to some
oilfieldace's Avatar
How dumb is Beto? The AR15 was specify lily designed for the battlefield ? Is he really Texan? Evidently he has no idea what an AR-15 is or what it was designed for
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
you don't either oil can man
Chung Tran's Avatar
I saw Beto at his rally the Lizard Lounge last night.. he has much more passion than Cruz, who has barely done anything in the Senate, beyond a Filibuster to kill Obamacare funding. laugh all you want calling Beto a "Latino wannabe", but his Spanish is light years better than the Hispanic he is running against.

and he isn't sucking Trump's Dick, begging him to conduct a Texas rally on his behalf. Cruz is a disgrace, no dignity or shame.
rexdutchman's Avatar
But wait , I just saw the ad that if you don't vote for him your not Human ,he implies Just more SCARE&DECIEVE , they are in panic mode.

Today even the NY Times has Ted 9 points ahead , or is that part of the To Reps don't go out and vote scam.
I saw Beto at his rally the Lizard Lounge last night.. he has much more passion than Cruz, who has barely done anything in the Senate, beyond a Filibuster to kill Obamacare funding. laugh all you want calling Beto a "Latino wannabe", but his Spanish is light years better than the Hispanic he is running against.

and he isn't sucking Trump's Dick, begging him to conduct a Texas rally on his behalf. Cruz is a disgrace, no dignity or shame. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The biggest thing I have against Beto is the "D" after his name.

After watching the deplorable conduct of the Senate Democrats during the Kavanaugh Confimation Hearings, how could any body want that ilk in charge of any Government Institution.

Beto is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Beto is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem, Yup 100 % enough said.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Beto TRIPLED Cruz in fundraising in the past reporting period. He raised over $30 million.

If he's willing to unleash an attack on that Canadian Cupcake, he can win. As I understand it, he's not ready to do that.

But he should.

Cruz is the worst kind of political parasite. Nobody wants to be him. Nobody wants to be with him. Nobody wants their children to grow up to be like him.

People need a reason -- any reason -- to cast this abomination from our national spotlight.

Beto just needs to remind people of it.

Yup 100%.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Beto's bubble burst. Beto ain't catching up no matter what his ad says.