If We've Lost Kanye We've Lost The American People - says Schumer

Kanye, Jim Brown, who else was there? How do I get a hug from Ivanka?

bambino's Avatar
Trump’s approval rating with AA’s is up to 35%. Schumer is right for once.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think every reality show star deserves an audience with the orange Sphincter.

What a fucking joke!

He feels like Superman with that MAHA hat on.

Guess what. There’s another hat that energizes more than bipolar dipshit celebs...

oilfieldace's Avatar
I agree Yssup , that is a hugely big conservative motivator
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, man. Get on out there and grab them pussies!

bambino's Avatar
West should run against Waters next time around. He would win.
as trump frees one person in turkey

the left informs another person, an American black he's not free

he only thought he was free and had rights to his own opinions

back in chains kanye
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What a fucking joke!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you're' right about them. they are a joke! pink pussy hats?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump’s approval rating with AA’s is up to 35%. Schumer is right for once. Originally Posted by bambino
Very true. At least according to one poll. As usual, it is best to examine as many polls as possible to come to any sort of conclusion:


"The president shared a Rasmussen Reports poll Wednesday that showed his approval rating at 36 percent among black voters. The survey, which received a C+ rating from FiveThirtyEight on its accuracy, was picked up by conservative news outlets and Trump's supporters to show a public opinion shift among black Americans.

An NAACP poll released August 7 showed the president’s approval among black voters at 21 percent.

But was either survey correct or accurate when compared to numerous other polls?

While the White House struggles to combat Manigault Newman's charges of Trump being a “racist” who used the n-word during his reality TV show The Apprentice, and with 2016 exit polls that showed only around 8 percent of black voters cast their ballots for him, it seems unlikely that one-third of African Americans currently support the president. Both polling numbers are much higher than more accurate polls have showed in recent months.

Gallup showed his current approval rating at 13 percent with an average fluctuation between 10 and 15 percent. Reuters also indicated a current approval rating of 13 percent among black voters with peaks of about 18 percent in February 2017 and May 2018. Numerous YouGov/Economist surveys from July and August also showed an average of a 13 percent approval rating. Only about 9 percent of black Americans approved of Trump in multiple Quinnipiac University surveys in the past two months."