trump is not a fascist or a nazi says berkely professor!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Professor shocks liberal twits by saying Trump not fascist or nazi.
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  • 04-07-2019, 09:22 PM
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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
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comment moved to Nixon thread
I B Hankering's Avatar
The author correctly notes that Trump is not a Fascist or a proponent of fascism because he is not an expansionist like Mussolini and Hitler and unlike those two, Trump has no imperialistic ambitions. But in claiming Trump is like Napoleon, the author is ignoring that Napoleon was also an imperialist.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The author correctly notes that Trump is not a Fascist or a proponent of fascism because he is not an expansionist like Mussolini and Hitler and unlike those two, Trump has no imperialistic ambitions. But in claiming Trump is like Napoleon, the author is ignoring that Napoleon was also an imperialist. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
People forget that Hitler & Napoleon were imperialist. mix imperialism & nazim, its a toxic brew.

being a nationalist never threatened anyone, one only has to look at Fascist Spain run under Gen. Franco.

I think this has more to do with tactics than with political ideology. Take imperialism out of the equation, Trump is pretty close to Napoleon in terms of tactics (even tho Trump doesn't have any military experience; he did attend a military school), He picked up some of that military education. some tactics translate well into politics and business strategy.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I have a history degree and a political science degree. I could have told them this. Wait, I have told them this.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I have a history degree and a political science degree. I could have told them this. Wait, I have told them this. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

which part?
lickidyclit's Avatar
I have a history degree and a political science degree. I could have told them this. Wait, I have told them this. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Refreshing to know we rub shoulders with such highly educated people on a whore board!
To paraphrase some of the article, the Author states that people who call President Trump a NAZI or a Fascist are too damned stupid to realize how assinine that assumption is.

The shame is many of these people are college educated. That doesn't bode well for our institutes of higher learning.