Obama Impeachment Resolution - H.CON.RES.107

SEE3772's Avatar
I think upwards of $4 gas will be his down fall. These impeachment things always seem to act as a rallying point....us vs. them.

The only thing I care about is the economy and gas prices. By this metric, there is no way I can see myself voting for the incumbent.
ilovedatass's Avatar
Is that a Bush/Obama avatar ? Lol
The economy is slowly improving and gas prices are out of ANY presidents hands whether we drill to the core or not. Don't vote for him if you want but find a more factual reason.

Aww crap. Never mind. Politics on a hooker board. I'll pass. LOL.
coolman1965's Avatar
Romney ?.....really, another rich out of touch Republican..LOL
If you listen to what Steve Chu has said in the past few months.....it is beyond a doubt as to where Obama stands with gas prices.

There are thousands of more reasons, but to expound upon them.....has nothing to do with the hobby. I was more making an observation about the stupidity of impeachment. Nothing like trying to get the team fired up for the big game like talk of impeachment. It helps energize the base and has no real hope of changing any thing.

The economy is improving? I will wait until I see it improve until I pass that judgement. The numbers that they disseminate and talk about ad nauseam have no meaning as they are not a real rubric of the health of the economy or the state of unemployment and under employment. Until I see an improvement in the economy, I discount all talk of such as the glaringly painful exuberant shouting of cheerleaders.

Just my two cents which I expect no one to agree with and can care less if people do or do not agree.

So in conclusion I just wasted 5 minutes of my life on a worthless ramble.
SEE3772's Avatar