Will Rand Paul be the GOP nominee in 2016?

Chris Matthews thinks so.


It's my feeling that if the right wing whackadoos take over the GOP, that the nominee will more likely be Ted Cruz. He's smarter, a better speaker, doesn't look as weird as Paul, he doesn't have the looney-dad baggage and the Republicans will delude themselves into thinking that he translates into more Hispanic votes for them.....which just might be true.

Crispy Crème is the obvious choice that gives the GOP a chance in the general election.....will they be too stupid to realize it? Or, am I wrong? Will the American people elect a morbidly obese man as POTUS? What happened to that GI bypass he supposedly had? Did he blow it out at a KFC while on a wing-bender?

The republicans are fucked up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets see....nominating Ted Cruz (or Ran Paul) makes one a "wackadoo" but nominating Hillary doesn't. A person with a history of questionable personal choices, unabased ambition, a small record of real achievement (unless you count the fact of just getting there as some kind of achievement), a past of intentional deceit to further her dreams (cattle futures, White Water, bimbo gate, standin by your man, FBI files, travelgate, the healthcare debacle, the carpet bagger question, her questionable book deal and tax evasion, Vince Foster, snipergate, 9/11 gate, reset сброс, reducing security around the world at the embassies while playing the tourist game with tax dollars, Benghazi, lying to Congress and lying to the world. What does nominating this woman mean?
Lets see....nominating Ted Cruz (or Ran Paul) makes one a "wackadoo" but nominating Hillary doesn't. A person with a history of questionable personal choices, unabased ambition, a small record of real achievement (unless you count the fact of just getting there as some kind of achievement), a past of intentional deceit to further her dreams (cattle futures, White Water, bimbo gate, standin by your man, FBI files, travelgate, the healthcare debacle, the carpet bagger question, her questionable book deal and tax evasion, Vince Foster, snipergate, 9/11 gate, reset сброс, reducing security around the world at the embassies while playing the tourist game with tax dollars, Benghazi, lying to Congress and lying to the world. What does nominating this woman mean? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You want to whine about Hillary, start your own thread. Don't hijack mine with your stupid off-point bullshit.
Lets see....nominating Ted Cruz (or Ran Paul) makes one a "wackadoo" but nominating Hillary doesn't. A person with a history of questionable personal choices, unabased ambition, a small record of real achievement (unless you count the fact of just getting there as some kind of achievement), a past of intentional deceit to further her dreams (cattle futures, White Water, bimbo gate, standin by your man, FBI files, travelgate, the healthcare debacle, the carpet bagger question, her questionable book deal and tax evasion, Vince Foster, snipergate, 9/11 gate, reset сброс, reducing security around the world at the embassies while playing the tourist game with tax dollars, Benghazi, lying to Congress and lying to the world. What does nominating this woman mean? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well I would say you brought up one hell of a point. Of course no Liberal will do anything but fire up your post with insults. Hillary Clinton is all the Liberals have for 2016. Yeah Christi might be a fat ass, Rand Paul might have his issues too. But none of them are criminals, Hillary is.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You started with the Matthews stuff and that stuff is as rank as three day old boiled cabbage.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-08-2013, 11:19 AM

Cruz left side .. Michelle Kiss of Death Bachmann. center, last term Turtle Boy yammering at the mich, Rand Paul right side ..

Paul and Cruz run with the wrong crowd. In the eye of the public, Tea Party running the country will never happen.
No. It will not be Rand Paul..............I think it is more likely to be a Governor (Christi, Portman, Walker, Jindal)...........maybe Gov. Susana Martinez (woman, hispanic, governor) ?

But NOT Paul.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-08-2013, 11:28 AM
Jindal ?

Jindal ?

ROTMFFLMFAO Originally Posted by CJ7
Whirly thinks it's still 2008.
Well I would say you brought up one hell of a point. Of course no Liberal will do anything but fire up your post with insults. Hillary Clinton is all the Liberals have for 2016. Yeah Christi might be a fat ass, Rand Paul might have his issues too. But none of them are criminals, Hillary is. Originally Posted by acp5762
You're right. We'll have plenty of time for it later but....

So...let's cut to the chase and identify the complete psychos immediately.

Who believes that Vince Foster was murdered?

Who believes that Hillary and/or Bill played a role in Vince Foster's murder?

Jindal ?

ROTMFFLMFAO Originally Posted by CJ7
No Jindal isn't running. He's staying in Louisiana.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-08-2013, 12:28 PM
No Jindal isn't running. He's staying in Louisiana. Originally Posted by acp5762

don't tell whirlie
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I can see an unconvential candidate and candidacy. Someone who does not rely on the establishment but will accept their aid. They will stand on their own two feet. They will speak a conservative message and live it. They will hae built a base with voters including having the support of elected officials elevated to office by this candidate. The VP should be a person of experience outside of politics. A person who can speak to the crowds with the same fervor as the president but not have to parrot comments or, morely importantly, not have to withdraw previous comments.

I can see an unconvential candidate and candidacy. Someone who does not rely on the establishment but will accept their aid. They will stand on their own two feet. They will speak a conservative message and live it. They will hae built a base with voters including having the support of elected officials elevated to office by this candidate. The VP should be a person of experience outside of politics. A person who can speak to the crowds with the same fervor as the president but not have to parrot comments or, morely importantly, not have to withdraw previous comments.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You cannot be serious? You think Sarah Palin will be the GOP nominee for President in 2016? God, I hope you are right.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-08-2013, 02:28 PM
just look at the names being thrown against the wall

poor GOP.