I guess all democrats are not completely on board with Hillary

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maureen Dowd, writing for the NY Times, seems to have some apprehension about the next possible Clinton administration. Dowd is a little confused herself as she sees Obama as noble with noble ideals but she thinks that a Hillary White House will the third term of Bill.

LexusLover's Avatar
Maureen Dowd, writing for the NY Times, seems to have some apprehension about the next possible Clinton administration. Dowd is a little confused herself as she sees Obama as noble with noble ideals but she thinks that a Hillary White House will the third term of Bill. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Dowd, now that she is not as hot as she used to be (she's been "do-able" for years, but lately getting a little shaggy), is beginning to write some sensible, liberal stuff, which is challenging for any liberal.

She has hit on the poll flaws ... name identification + the "Bill Factor"!

Whether the Bill Fanatics want to admit it or not, Bill is "damaged goods"!

It will be an interesting campaign "play" for the liberals to sell Hillary as a woman of her own to be qualified for President, while at the same time attempting to use the infatuation with Bill as the shining star of the Democratic Party to seal the deal. The Hillary camp will want to tease the voters with the presence of Bill nearby for legitimacy, while attempting to portray Hillary has having been "pre-qualified" on paper with her resume of:

Bills Wife
Senator of a state that was not her homestate
Secretary of State who did nothing positive for the country (OR THE WORLD)!

Those are her "accomplishments"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-11-2013, 08:20 AM
Kinda early to call 2016 just yet.
Maureen Dowd, writing for the NY Times, seems to have some apprehension about the next possible Clinton administration. Dowd is a little confused herself as she sees Obama as noble with noble ideals but she thinks that a Hillary White House will the third term of Bill.

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/11/op...dent.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No party is all on board with a candidate silly shit. Jeesh
Dowd is a little confused herself as she sees Obama as noble with noble ideals but she thinks that a Hillary White House will the third term of Bill.

http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/11/op...dent.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Isn't that the whole point of Hillary's effort?
LexusLover's Avatar
Kinda early to call 2016 just yet. Originally Posted by WTF
Damn. We agree on something.
You're right, not all democrats are not on board with Hillary. Unlike, the republicans, they think. They are not afraid to speak and vote their own mind. The republicans tend to be brainless politicians that toe the party line and never ask questions. What else could be the reason for their almost straight party vote down the line on most occasions?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What can you say about Ranch Dressing?
He says the bickering republicans all march in lockstep without thinking....it was the GOP who went to Nixon and said time to go. On the other hand those free thinking democrats surrounded Clinton, Gore, Studds, and Weiner and said to the world you can't touch this. They may be perverted, criminal, and have no morals but they are democrats. Look what it took to get some, but certainly not all, democrats to condemn Filthy Filner. They didn't even condemn Kennedy after killing a girl. That has to be a bench mark.

As for the straight party line vote....it took the majority of the GOP to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when the majority of the democrats voted against it. Funny how the racist LBJ needed their help, spoke good things about Dirksen, but then took all the credit for his slimy politics.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yellow Dog would beat any douchebag the Republicans put up.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I suppose txrancher did not see the number of candidates and how divided the votes were in the primaries for the last Republican nomination.

The Democrat nominee, and the one that will get the most support, will be the one that satisfies the commie-socialist factions. Should someone that is further left of Hillary come along, like Obama, the far left will push them to the top. All they have to do is make more empty promises like transparency, bills that the public can view for a week before sign ing, and such.

If the grass-roots efforts of libertarianism continue and the Republican party learns to embrace them rather than fight them , and they learn to accept factions of the TEA party, then and only then will the Republican party learn the lesson of how to grow and dominate. Until the Republican party leaders learn that embracing the ideals of all that are on the right will they stand a chance in the Presidential election.