two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

texassapper's Avatar
BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push

Good thing the FDA ramrodded through the approval of the Vax jab! I'm starting to be concerned about what's going to happen to society when all of the jabbed folks start dying in the next 2-3 years...

At least the cost of housing will likely

I'm not concerned about the unvaxxed... the fatality rate is so small as to be insignificant...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yeah the real estate market is crazy, a couple hundred million dead people will definitely make it a buyers market.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Meanwhile in Japan , Moldy is pulling 1.6 m doses because of impurities
  • Tiny
  • 08-27-2021, 11:44 AM
BOMBSHELL UK data destroys entire premise for vaccine push

Good thing the FDA ramrodded through the approval of the Vax jab! I'm starting to be concerned about what's going to happen to society when all of the jabbed folks start dying in the next 2-3 years...

At least the cost of housing will likely

I'm not concerned about the unvaxxed... the fatality rate is so small as to be insignificant... Originally Posted by texassapper
The data's squirrely. They show 741 total COVID deaths from the Delta variant since February 1. Well, that's actually about how many people are dying from the Delta variant in the UK every week.

The headline in the paper today where I live is that 87% of the people in the hospital system with COVID are unvaccinated. Half of the hospital beds are occupied by COVID patients, and right now COVID is the leading cause of death in my community. One of the hospitals is trying to get a tent to add capacity. Apparently the funeral homes are coping better than the hospitals because we haven't needed a mobile morgue like we did over the winter. Only 40% of the population here is vaccinated and very few people are wearing masks. I could probably count the number of KN95 or N95 masks I've seen in the last week on other people on one hand.

However, I do salute you. Thank you for your service to our nation, first in the military (honestly) and now in the COVID wars. As you rightly have pointed out here, people who have been infected with COVID have better immunity to the Delta variant than those of us like me who have merely been vaccinated. And you will eventually get COVID. And afterwards, someone standing around you will probably be at less risk of contracting the deadly COVID than someone standing around me. Unless I'm wearing my N95 mask.

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections:
Chung Tran's Avatar
This whole back-and-forth leaves me feeling less than hopeful we have the pandemic even close to ''under control''. If we can't even come close to agreement about who is currently most at risk of death, vaccinated or unvaccinated!

Then I hear shit like this..

Everyone in the KISS camp is fully vaccinated. But Starchild tests positive. They did every reasonable move to avoid Covid. The virus sill managed to penetrate Stanley's face mask

Yet I don't want to be a Jackass Fool like this Dude..
texassapper's Avatar
This whole back-and-forth leaves me feeling less than hopeful we have the pandemic even close to ''under control''. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Because the goal has never been to bring the virus under control... we can't do that anymore than we can stop the fcuking flu virus... idiots can't make that seemingly small connection. The ChiComs released a bug ON PURPOSE... because the goal isn't related to your health it's related to controlling the population.
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 03:07 PM
I don't want to be a Jackass Fool like these , Dude..

  • Tiny
  • 08-27-2021, 03:27 PM

Yet I don't want to be a Jackass Fool like this Dude.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No shit CT. If he’d gotten vaccinated he probably wouldn’t be fighting for his life. If he’d gone to the hospital early on and gotten monoclonal antibody infusions he probably wouldn’t be fighting for his life. His vitamin/Ivermectin cocktail might have done him some good, but why bring a knife to a gun fight when you can have body armor and automatic weapons.

And he’s a 30 year old father of three!

I’d say I wish some of the posters here would read your link and take it to heart, but that’s too much to expect. Satan has hardened their hearts.
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 03:36 PM
Tiny - this is your real satan!
texassapper's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 08-27-2021, 06:41 PM
Did Satan do this too? Or was that the VAX jab?

Michigan boy dies 3 days after getting Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, CDC is investigating

Man Dies Minutes After Taking First Dose Of Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

BBC presenter Lisa Shaw, 44, died due to incredibly rare blood clot complications caused by AstraZeneca covid vaccine three weeks after she had first jab, coroner rules

Mother, 47, dies after AstraZeneca Covid jab caused blood clots

Whistleblower Insiders Claim JetBlue Pilots Dropping Dead From the Jab

Devastated mother demands answers after her son, 20, with muscular dystrophy suffered a seizure and died less than 12 hours after receiving a Pfizer jab

Report: 2 Kids DEAD After 24,000 Children Herded Into Stadium for JAB!


Woman who died a day after Covid-19 jab had heart attack, wasn’t allergic to vaccine

Tasmanian man, 44, dies after AstraZeneca jab Originally Posted by texassapper
The best defense against Satan is not the Word of God or leading a righteous life. It's math.

Approximately 350 million injections of COVID vaccine into people's arms have occurred this year and last year in the USA.

Approximately 8200 people in the U.S.A. die in the USA every day from all causes, out of a population of 330 million. The probability your average American will die on a particular day is 8200/330,000,000 = .0025%.

If a person's propensity to get the vaccine were independent of his or her age and physical condition, then you'd expect about 8700 Americans to die from those 350 million injections, on the same day they got one of the shots. And 8700 would die the day after they got their injections. Etc. (.000025 x 350 million = 8700, more or less)

So chalking up something like a heart attack on the same day as a COVID injection, as one your links does, is kind of ridiculous.

You appear to have more links to deaths from clots from the Astra Zeneca vaccine, which is not used in the USA, than any other cause.

Now I'm not going to sit here and say that only 3 deaths have occurred from vaccines in the USA, as at least one medical professional has said. (That's the total number of clotting deaths linked to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.) I think there have potentially been hundreds of deaths from the vaccine. As I have before, I'll help you make your case. You should be looking at OLD PEOPLE, in nursing homes and the like. The ones who are so frail they croak when they have a reaction to the COVID vaccine:

I'd bet that accounts for the majority of deaths from the vaccine.

But what does the risk reward ratio look like? In the United States, hundreds of thousands of people have died from COVID. But only hundreds, maybe, from the vaccine. You've posted links to Israeli info. The latest indicates that after 7 months the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in preventing severe disease in the elderly dropped from 95% to 55%, as a result of some combination of immunity wearing off and the Delta variant. I don't care. First, you're going to see people at risk getting boosters. Second, the risk reward ratio is still off the charts, in favor of the vaccine, at 55%.
  • Tiny
  • 08-27-2021, 06:57 PM
Tiny - this is your real satan!
Originally Posted by oeb11
That's Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known as Lenin. Yes, communists and ex-communists in Russia are trying to get people all over the world to believe that our vaccines are deadly and ineffective. And indeed many donkeys believe them.
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 08:11 PM
jackasses - more like it.
bambino's Avatar
The best defense against Satan is not the Word of God or leading a righteous life. It's math.

Approximately 350 million injections of COVID vaccine into people's arms have occurred this year and last year in the USA.

Approximately 8200 people in the U.S.A. die in the USA every day from all causes, out of a population of 330 million. The probability your average American will die on a particular day is 8200/330,000,000 = .0025%.

If a person's propensity to get the vaccine were independent of his or her age and physical condition, then you'd expect about 8700 Americans to die from those 350 million injections, on the same day they got one of the shots. And 8700 would die the day after they got their injections. Etc. (.000025 x 350 million = 8700, more or less)

So chalking up something like a heart attack on the same day as a COVID injection, as one your links does, is kind of ridiculous.

You appear to have more links to deaths from clots from the Astra Zeneca vaccine, which is not used in the USA, than any other cause.

Now I'm not going to sit here and say that only 3 deaths have occurred from vaccines in the USA, as at least one medical professional has said. (That's the total number of clotting deaths linked to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.) I think there have potentially been hundreds of deaths from the vaccine. As I have before, I'll help you make your case. You should be looking at OLD PEOPLE, in nursing homes and the like. The ones who are so frail they croak when they have a reaction to the COVID vaccine:

I'd bet that accounts for the majority of deaths from the vaccine.

But what does the risk reward ratio look like? In the United States, hundreds of thousands of people have died from COVID. But only hundreds, maybe, from the vaccine. You've posted links to Israeli info. The latest indicates that after 7 months the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in preventing severe disease in the elderly dropped from 95% to 55%, as a result of some combination of immunity wearing off and the Delta variant. I don't care. First, you're going to see people at risk getting boosters. Second, the risk reward ratio is still off the charts, in favor of the vaccine, at 55%. Originally Posted by Tiny
And then there’s this;
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This is why I wasn't jumping up and trying to get vaccinated the first chance I got. I'm completely safe by simply socially distancing and staying in my home. If I go out, it's usually to do outdoor activities in places in which I can easily socially distance.