Bravo Gov DeSantis

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2021, 10:53 AM
Always good to know that your political sucking up to the RWWs is more important to you than people's lives.

Florida is again showing why they are still living firmly in the 1800s.

Kill off a few thousand while you're at it.

"Overall, 52 percent of Floridians are fully vaccinated, but the figure is less than 30 percent in some of the state’s hardest-hit counties."

But the correlation between unvaxed people and cases is purely coincidental.

"Dr. Chirag Patel, the assistant chief medical officer of UF Health Jacksonville, a hospital system in Northeast Florida, said the patients hospitalized with the virus during this latest surge tend to be younger and have fewer other health issues, but are nearly all unvaccinated. Of those who have died, including patients ranging in age from their 20s to their 40s, more than 90 percent were not inoculated, Dr. Patel said."

I guess that Trump/RNC/Fox/RWW story line that only old diabetic overweight people with comorbidity issues get sick was just another lie. But you told it so well!

Bravo DeSantis, you are showing the world how to attack the problem of over crowding. Bravo.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
90% of 3 people isn’t much to worry about, keep drinking that cool aid though.
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2021, 12:38 PM
'attacking teh problem of world overcrowding ' - Old T marxist fool - fiden is dong that to American soldiers at kabul Airport!
In case you were too smitten with your comrade Xi to notice the murders of Americans for which all DPSTs are Responsible.!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Always good to know that your political sucking up to the RWWs is more important to you than people's lives.

Florida is again showing why they are still living firmly in the 1800s.

Kill off a few thousand while you're at it.

"Overall, 52 percent of Floridians are fully vaccinated, but the figure is less than 30 percent in some of the state’s hardest-hit counties."

But the correlation between unvaxed people and cases is purely coincidental.

"Dr. Chirag Patel, the assistant chief medical officer of UF Health Jacksonville, a hospital system in Northeast Florida, said the patients hospitalized with the virus during this latest surge tend to be younger and have fewer other health issues, but are nearly all unvaccinated. Of those who have died, including patients ranging in age from their 20s to their 40s, more than 90 percent were not inoculated, Dr. Patel said."

I guess that Trump/RNC/Fox/RWW story line that only old diabetic overweight people with comorbidity issues get sick was just another lie. But you told it so well!

Bravo DeSantis, you are showing the world how to attack the problem of over crowding. Bravo. Originally Posted by Old-T

A funny happens when you look at the statistics instead of the MSM headline that the Biden administration and the MSM would like you to believe

New Jersey 301

New York 278

Mississippi 274

Mass. 264

Louisiana 261

Rhode Island 260

Arizona 256

Alabama 245

Conn. 234

South Dakota 233

Arkansas 224

Penn. 219

Michigan 214

New Mexico 214

Indiana 213

Georgia 210

North Dakota 208

Illinois 207

Nevada 206

South Carolina 201

Florida 197

That's 21 states with a higher death rate per 100,000 but Florida makes the headline. Gee, I wonder why?

Let's do just total numbers and see if Florida leads

Calif. 65,259

Texas 55,549

New York 54,070

Florida 42,252

So why isn't New York the worst offender? Never mind.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I support freedom over safety
texassapper's Avatar
A funny happens when you look at the statistics instead of the MSM headline that the Biden administration and the MSM would like you to believe
[COLOR=Blue]So why isn't New York the worst offender? Never mind. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Down Goes Old-T! Down Goes Old-T! Down Goes Old-T!

The winner is Hedonist fever by a knockout. There was never much doubt I'm afraid, Old-T really is self-descriptive. His argument literally lacked any strength at all! Completely outclassed here tonight in front of a small but varied crowd of spectators... why I haven't seen such an engaged audience since the South Tower fell on 9-11. Undeniable loss for Old-T here, he came in a capital T and will be leaving lower cased...
HedonistForever's Avatar
Down Goes Old-T! Down Goes Old-T! Down Goes Old-T!

The winner is Hedonist fever by a knockout. There was never much doubt I'm afraid, Old-T really is self-descriptive. His argument literally lacked any strength at all! Completely outclassed here tonight in front of a small but varied crowd of spectators... why I haven't seen such an engaged audience since the South Tower fell on 9-11. Undeniable loss for Old-T here, he came in a capital T and will be leaving lower cased... Originally Posted by texassapper

Think he even took a second to verify what he posted? Nope, guys like him never do. I just find it strange how many guys come here day after day only to embarrass themselves printing stuff that can easily be disputed. I guess they just don't care but they will accuse others of not caring.
bambino's Avatar
Poor Old T. Coming out of his cobwebs to try to stay relevant.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2021, 11:25 PM
'attacking teh problem of world overcrowding ' - Old T marxist fool - fiden is dong that to American soldiers at kabul Airport!
In case you were too smitten with your comrade Xi to notice the murders of Americans for which all DPSTs are Responsible.!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Seems not everyone agrees with your typically myopic view of blame.

But again, RWW rules of evidence apply to the majority here: if it makes a RWW look bad, scream FAKE NEWS and change the topic. You're a good little Zombie.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2021, 11:32 PM
Do you normally have a problem with the difference between current stats vs cumulative stats? It seems you do. Maybe when you claim to "check the stats" you should actually check the stats being referenced. But no, those would not support your agenda so you hunt around until you find some you think will.

A funny happens when you look at the statistics instead of the MSM headline that the Biden administration and the MSM would like you to believe

That's 21 states with a higher death rate per 100,000 but Florida makes the headline. Gee, I wonder why?

Let's do just total numbers and see if Florida leads

Calif. 65,259

Texas 55,549

New York 54,070

Florida 42,252

So why isn't New York the worst offender? Never mind.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-26-2021, 11:46 PM
So back to CURRENT hospitalizations for COVID:

"In the past week, Florida has had more Covid cases than all 30 states with the lowest case rates combined. And Florida and Texas alone have accounted for nearly 40% of new hospitalizations across the country," White House Covid-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients said Thursday during a White House briefing.

Again, lest some short attention span readers get easily confused again, that is CURRENT, not 18 month totals. I know that can be a hard concept for some on here, but try.
texassapper's Avatar
Again, lest some short attention span readers get easily confused again, that is CURRENT, not 18 month totals. I know that can be a hard concept for some on here, but try. Originally Posted by Old-T
So let's talk death rates... since cases is about as important as discussing how many flu cases there are... no one cares... are the deaths higher or lower than last year? Where? See I already know the answers... but you're going to have to get an education if you want to post them.. and I know you won't because they destroy your argument. That's why you want to talk about cases..

  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 07:12 AM
Seems not everyone agrees with your typically myopic view of blame.

But again, RWW rules of evidence apply to the majority here: if it makes a RWW look bad, scream FAKE NEWS and change the topic. You're a good little Zombie. Originally Posted by Old-T

BI is a slanted , marxist rag dedicated to mis-information - denial-deflection-Obstruction - and LIES

Truth, FACTs, and Honesty - are never part of teh marxist DPST lexicon.

Now - go celebrate the murders at kabul airport with your fiden leader

enjoy the blood on your hands - at the direction of Comrade Xi!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
and I know you won't because they destroy your argument. That's why you want to talk about cases.. Originally Posted by texassapper
That’s all anyone talks about now. Gotta keep the fear porn flowing.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Gee , and Australia , just locked down again, 25 mill, 991 died ? all for CONTROL
Oh Big Pharma, tech ,,, Got to keep the narrative going = Oh Queensland Australia Howard Wellness camp is being constructed ,,, For peoples health its coming lock and load