s Kabul airport burns, Pelosi celebrates Women’s Equality Day in San Francisco

  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2021, 03:24 PM

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Just when you thought Nancy Pelosi’s “let them eat ice cream” moment was bad, now we have Pelosi sending out a tweet encouraging people to watch a celebration of Women’s Equality Day after an ISIS attack at Kabul airport. The same account has yet to tweet anything about the attack.
© Provided by Washington Examiner During her time as speaker of the House, Pelosi has shown a keen ability to demonstrate a narcissism that few can match. Her actions often come off as aristocratic and tone-deaf. At worst, they are callous. Supposed to be an elected official to serve the people, Pelosi has a tendency for haughty self-centeredness.

Pelosi’s tweet exemplifies this sort of self-centered behavior. Sure, there is no problem bringing attention to whatever this alleged holiday is about. And there is no problem with broadcasting the ceremony on a social media platform to increase viewership. However, criticism is warranted of the timing of the tweet and the lack of a subsequent tweet expressing sympathy to the lives lost. Perhaps, even more so, given that she was celebrating women’s equality day and there has been a myriad of stories recently of the plight and struggles of women in Afghanistan.
Many on Twitter took exception to Pelosi’s tweet, and rightfully so.
One account tweeted at Pelosi criticizing a perceived lack of empathy along with a video of the carnage in Kabul.
Another account found offense to the tweet over Pelosi’s lack of compassion. “As a migrant woman in San Francisco I refuse to ‘join you’ in this event. Your insensitivity is sickening!” she tweeted.
The criticism continued with other accounts urging Pelosi to show some sympathy, or even awareness, for the U.S. military lives lost.
“We just learned hours ago that 12 more folded flags are going to be handed to the moms, dads, sons and daughters in coming weeks and this is what you’re tweeting?! Good God…” one tweet read.
Given her duration in the public eye as a politician, one would think Pelosi should have a greater self-awareness. However, it seems with each new crisis, Pelosi delivers with another narcissistic act.

nazi Pelosi - is a fascist , controlling DPST criminal

she is a total hypocrite - rules for thee . but not for Me! - shown many times over.

She typifies teh DPST marxist party - and its elitist, hypocritical nomenklatura.

They keep black peoples down in shit hole cities on their plantations - and only care about the votes they can frudulently submit to continue their fascist Rule.

She is a Criminal communist. as all in her party
Loving her perks while Americans die overseas - and she cares naught - as long as her wine and liquor bottles are full.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Of course she’s happy. Bribes didn’t want to do this in the fall. Too close to the midterms. They figure the voters would forget about this by then. Mission accomplished.
rexdutchman's Avatar
1 of the 3 blind mice ,,,