Holy Unbelievable Mother of Lord!!

They’ve been posting their union for little over a week.

I never thought VI would do a duo, but guess I was wrong.
Just posted in men’s forum and I was told by VI she doesn’t do doubles

Any Intel
DallasRain's Avatar
fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk yummmmmmmmmmmmmm
Cross reference VI’s STG posts and her website.

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I've always enjoyed Coffee & Dulce De Leche flavors together. **wags tongue**.
hotrix1's Avatar
Just goes to show, everybody has a price. And when shit hits the fans, and the hobby slows down for the COVID crisis..........well, let's just say, the don't's become do's, and the never becomes possible.
It's all about the supply and demand.
BulldogCountry's Avatar
I'd be curious to know the price-tag on the duo.
Prob standard fare for both as if it was a single just my guess but what a duo both are top notch
i wish i could afford that lol
Reasonable price for two great providers
Add Nadya and we have a party
TideLWave's Avatar
When was greek added to the VI menu?
If you are banned by one, will the other still see you?