ECCiE and the NFL REplay Roolz

Which is more confusing?
The NFL Replay roolz?
The ECCiE guidelines?
Or the rewritten and unposted ones?

edit add -- it's amazing what one can accomplish in seven minutes.
Plastic Man's Avatar
dids (sm)elle sends ...ya overs here ta ...makes a doo doo ya dreamts it ...up yerself?
cowboy8055's Avatar
Which is more confusing?
The NFL Replay roolz?
The ECCiE guidelines? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

They both make it up as they go.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dids (sm)elle sends ...ya overs here ta ...makes a doo doo ya dreamts it ...up yerself? Originally Posted by Plastic Man
but bet drunk as he was a postin
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The most effortless way to be unconcerned and not confused by the rules is to not know them, and if you inadvertently find out about one to behave as if that particular rule doesn't exist.

The number one difference about the board and the NFL is that on the board the consequences are minimal. I've been banned before, you can still read the threads. I do miss PMing when I'm banned but it's a minor inconvenience.

I've received utr warnings from people who I think are mods, usually it's when I'm acting up a little because I'm being stalked by the male lesbians.

Not sure how many points I have or exactly how it works.
It's all confusing, whether it's the Rulez or being stalked by a male lesbian. The good news is in that matter is that you are being stalked. Could always be worse... "yer penes may beez made o' platick den it'z cood only giv pleazure to da providerz doin' da advertizing on dis here site..." or not.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The male lesbians are a little more cut and dried than the rules but they're probably equally irrelevant. I prefer mocking the male lesbians because it's more interactive and they usually get more wound up than the mods. In my experience when the mods go on the warpath it's through private message and imposing points.
Ceremony's Avatar
It's not that confusing. Those that dance along the guidelines are more apt to trip over.

Edit add: especially the clumsy
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I haven't gotten dinged with any points in a while.

I wonder if the Mods hand them out if no one complains about his or her feelings being hurt.
Wakeup's Avatar
I wonder if the Mods hand them out if no one complains about his or her feelings being hurt. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Feelings got nothing to do with it...fortunately for some...
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Feelings got nothing to do with it...fortunately for some... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Yes I agree and understand as I am a magnet for crybaby male lesbians who reflexively disagree in order to curry favor with their fellow MLs and even moreso fat whores, much in the same way you are a magnet with a demographic I haven't been able to precisely put a finger on.

What I mean is do the Mods run around trolling for offensive postings, or does one of the infants have to complain before you spring to action?
Wakeup's Avatar

No group of moderators is going to be able to catch every infraction while browsing their assigned forums, and some moderators are assigned to multiple forums, or have multiple areas of responsibility...that’s why we have guideline #33...

#33 - We ask that all members who participate here acquaint themselves with these guidelines and familiarize themselves with the location of the RTM button (white triangle with exclamation point, outlined in red) Our staff are not on duty 24/7 and unfortunately are not always readily available to right the ship, put out fires, or address rule violations when they occur. We need to work together, staff and members, to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the forums. It is vital that you bring inappropriate posts to the attention of staff using the RTM function when it appears that a staff member has not yet become involved. This will greatly help in our mission to provide the ideal environment for our members to interact with one another.
rooster's Avatar
Yes I agree and understand as I am a magnet for crybaby male lesbians who reflexively disagree in order to curry favor with their fellow MLs and even moreso fat whores....... Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Don't flatter yerself. That ain't why we do it. It's actually very simple. It's cuz we hate you.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
poo bear,
hammering the RTM is not as entertaining as waiting for the next dumb post?