Looking for Info

Anybody know anything about this lady?

There was a recent, hugely negative review of this girl on another board (USAG). PM me if you don't know the board and I'll slip you the link. If you just want the cliffs notes, she's much, much fatter in person, she's uber aggressive, and she smells unbelievably bad. While it wasn't me who experienced it, I think I'd recommend passing.
Yeah I had a visit with her PM me and i will give you the run down.
Yeah I had a visit with her PM me and i will give you the run down. Originally Posted by hotdoc19000
You don't want to just share it here?
Daty4ever's Avatar
I saw her. I’d pass on it again.
Long story short take a pass. The photos are really old she has put on tons of weight covered in pot marks and strung out.
Appreciate the info.