Providers are more sensitive than you may think

Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
It has been a pretty common theme on this board that all providers are cold-hearted bitches after your cash; while, yes, indeed, they provide a service and expect to be paid for it (otherwise they wouldn't do it), but once you present them with the promise of an exceptional amount of cash they become "hooked." All of a sudden you become their most important asset in the world for that period of time between the booking and the actual meeting and with that comes a lot of emotional commitment on their part. It is true they do not see you as (insert johns name here) but as bng guy, hh guy, 1 hour guy, 2 hour guy, guy who tips, guy who doesn't tip, and their favorite, the overnight guy. Your merit to them is inextricably tied to how much you're willing to pay, and their self-worth is tied to how much they get paid. I've had several experiences within the past 2 weeks with providers where I've had hr appointments with them and decided to go with an hh appointment in the following meeting and you can see their sense of self-worth drain from their complexions similar to how the worth of their vagina has dwindled $100 to me. These women are extremely sensitive and emotional creatures, and it took me a while to figure that out. "Oh, how pleasant it is to see the bear turn into a badger." Signing out.
I thought you weren't seeing providers anymore?
cheatercheater's Avatar
Another one for the new Forrest list...
mrredcat43's Avatar
A lot of built up anger like that is NOT good
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
Pards the solution to your apparent issues won't be found here. As a matter of fact this is probably the last place you should look. There are professionals that can help you.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
You can't argue with these facts. They are straight as a 12-inch ruler.


All girls in the sex industry usually negotiate upwards, and they would like to see an upward trend on how you pay them. That is always true.

Thing though, emotion is almost always tied to the line/curve as well.

By the way, did you look at the expiration date when she is supposed to ditch you?

Be aware of the expire date.

However, there are exceptions and when you find a girl that is an exception, the expire date is going to be farther into the future.
Thus is the lamest thread are clearly in your feelings.... Some provider must have pissed you off...

Like y'all don't look at us like the one who'll DT my cock, the one who swallows, the one who barebacks, the one who licks your ass...

Sounds like you are having a hard time accepting what your role is in this game...

My self worth is not determined by what I am self worth is much more than that and can't be defined by a donation someone does or doesn't give me

You are one rude and disrespectful person.
TinMan's Avatar
That look is not the draining of their self-worth. It's disappointment that they're not going to make as much easy money off of you as they did the first time.
TheEccie214's Avatar
This one is difficult to understand. You expect to make $200 but find out you'll only make $100. But keep in mind, all the preparation in terms of getting a and then to a location, showering, makeup, etc to make $100 is the same as if you were making $200. You may have had plans for the additional $100 because the guy told you you'd be getting $200. Except to make the $100 it probably won't be as enjoyable because everything will be rushed.

Yeah, these girls are so sensitive. It's dumbass thread night here in DFW.
TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
My guess is that the escorts that don't offer half hour, bng,and car dates are doing just fine. Perhaps even better than if they did.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Have you tried match dot com or POF, Bruce? Maybe it's time to "lose" that thing you call a "struggle" and disable your account.
Seriously Bruce, why are you here and what are you trying to accomplish?
e0776m's Avatar
Bruce may be right. I have not noticed this myself but it sounds plausible. Some providers may get their feelings hurt because they feel they weren't worth the hour you got the first time....and some of them are not. Truth hurts. He also may be more sensitive than the rest of you because he did notice it or maybe he is wrong. But why give him a hard time over it? Does it bother you that he may be right? As for me,I dont care if it does bother them.....they should give better service or maybe they were to good and I could not hold my load so might as well save some money.
Just for fun replace the word PROVIDER with LAWYER in OP's post.

Also, I would like to think one's self-worth comes from a job well done, not necessary how much you get paid for the job. A satisfied client should be worth more than remuneration.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
After seeing this post and a few of your others, I hope ladies really do their research on you during screening. Smh

Hobby does not give me self worth or define who/what I am. My relationships forged in my real world do that.