I'm just a male with latent lesbian tendencies

daty/o's Avatar
I read an article recently where a prominent actress has been taken to task on a comment she made about her sexuality. Apparently, she is getting flack from the gay community for stating that, for her, being gay is a choice. The fear is, that it opens the door for opponents to further label all homosexuality as a preventable condition; a wrong choice that you can simply choose not to make.

To me, there is an element of choice in all areas of sexuality, but that does not preclude the validity that, for some, same sex attraction is not an option. If I were to put a label on it, I would say that, If you can choose, you are, at most, bi-sexual. Admittedly, there are those that argue that if you can go that way, you are still gay. For the record, I am not gay and I choose not to be Bi-sexual, but I am certainly not homophobic. I pride myself on being open-minded and find that Eccie is an excellent venue for that.

I could have put this in the National Forum, but I am particularly interested in hearing comments from those of us raised in and beaten by, the bible belt. With all that goes on in our hobby community, what are your perceptions?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Throughout my life, I've been around gay guys and lesbians. I've had a best friend who was a lesbian and well, often people have thought of me as one myself.

I believe that some people are just hardwired that way from birth. My friend who was gay, she didn't WANT to be a lesbian and it caused havoc in her life. I always felt bad for her and when she died of a massive heart attack at 42, I still felt that it was the pressure that she had being a doctor and being gay.

Me. I would LOVE to be bisexual and I'm just not. Tried it. Liked it somewhat. But it's just not in my wiring.

So is it a choice? For some, I don't think so. And it's wrong to put that sort of burden on someone from the outside looking in when they haven't walked in those shoes.


Someone who was raised in the Bible belt and went to Sunday school for a very long time!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I think you need to be clear whether you're talking about homosexual actions or homosexual orientation. If you're talking about action, then it seems self-evident to me that it is a choice. If you're talking about orientation, then, from what I've read and the homosexuals I've known, I suspect people are hardwired that way either from genetics and/or from a very early age.

Regardless, I have never quite understood why it matters much. If homosexuality is wrong, then it should be discouraged. If it's not, then it shouldn't. In deciding how to treat it, I don't see why it matters whether someone has a predisposition for it.

My own opinion is that it's not wrong. Therefore, if someone enjoys it, then he or she should do it. My opinion is the same whether someone has some lifelong homosexual orientation or whether he or she just woke up that morning and decided he or she wanted to try something different sexually.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I prefer the company of men in all things that are not sexual. Being one of the girls ain't my thing. However, I have been known to get my lesbian on.
kenpachi's Avatar
I for one am coming out! I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body
  • zebra
  • 01-24-2012, 06:27 PM
I for one am coming out! I'm a lesbian trapped in a mans body Originally Posted by kenpachi

Beat me to it........ +1