Obimbo Wins, Hooray!

bojulay's Avatar
Obimbo pulled it off for the Obamatons are Legion.

Hooray! For the continued progression towards a European
form of Socialism.

Hooray! For another 7 or 8 trillion increase to our national debt.

Hooray! For the Chinese for continuing to buy it up.

Fooey! On the Chinese when they decide not to do it anymore.

Hooray! For the newer even more better version of the welfare

Hooray! For all Americans everywhere, (For soon it will be said)
Now that you're all gone, it was nice to know you.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-07-2012, 02:26 AM
the middle class won, thats all you need to know
the middle class and educated and thoughtful won, thats all you need to know Originally Posted by CJ7
Fixed that for you.
waverunner234's Avatar
Intelligent people won, dumbasses lost.
And that's how it should be.
Obimbo pulled it off for the Obamatons are Legion.

Hooray! For the continued progression towards a European
form of Socialism.

Hooray! For another 7 or 8 trillion increase to our national debt.

Hooray! For the Chinese for continuing to buy it up.

Fooey! On the Chinese when they decide not to do it anymore.

Hooray! For the newer even more better version of the welfare

Hooray! For all Americans everywhere, (For soon it will be said)
Now that you're all gone, it was nice to know you.

Hooray! Originally Posted by bojulay

You are right in one area the white breads lost.Only group Romney carried. He lost all other group's.Repubs may have to change their philosophy and embrace all Americans not just the white ones.