A Dogs Life...

PeterFunt's Avatar
Three people, 2 men and 1 woman, and their dogs are in the
Vets waiting room.

The first mans dog asked the second mans dog
what he's there for.

They are putting me down. Oh no, says the first dog, why?

The second dog says, "Well, you see... Ive been
chasing the Postman for years. Yesterday, I finally caught
him, and bit him. So, I'm going to be put to sleep.

The second dog says, "Well, my master just completely
remodeled the inside of his house. I didnt like it
because my scent wasnt anywhere, anymore. So, when
he went to bed last night, I pissed on everything I could
find, to get my scent back. This morning, my master found
out what I had done, so he is putting me to sleep also.

The third dog said, "This is my masters new girlfriend.
She runs around the house all the time without her clothes.
This makes me very horny. So, this morning, as she was getting
out of the shower, and bent over to wipe up the water on the
floor. I couldnt stand it anymore, so I jumped on her
a gave it to her good!"

The other dogs say, "so that's why they
are putting you to sleep?"

No says the dog, "She is bringing me here to get my toenails

reenakaur's Avatar
Its really so funny and enjoyable post.
Put a smile on my face!