Sex and Gender In the Barrett hHearings: To Be Or Not To Be?
While watching the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the confirmation of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court, I was struck by a dichotomy of conflicting definition raised by the Senator Harrano from Hawaii. She had read out a portion of a legal writing from Judge Barrett that referred to "sexual preference" as a "choice". The senator criticise4d the phrasing as obsolete, and offensive to the LGBTQ community and anyway, it was incorrect. The senator declared that one is born with a sexual orientation that is immutable.
Which got me to thinking about the Cis-Trans controversies with regard to the pronouns person wants to be referred to with (him-her-they) and whether that person can use the men's or women's bathroom on any given day.
So which is it? Is one's sex a daily choice or is it an inherently born-in fact?