Thinning the herd of Hobbyists...

I recently spent some time with a wonderful lady in a north Austin (incall) apartment complex. I know that many of my fellow gentleman have been there also as this particular apartment has been shared for quite some time.
I arrived at the apartment complex about 10 minutes ahead of schedule as in the past I have had a difficult time with the gate and then venturing around the large complex attempting to find the proper building while trying to find a parking place for my full size truck.
Found the correct building and a parking space about 3 minutes ahead of time. Texted to let the lady know I was there and got a quick reply with the apartment number. Hmmmm: third floor. No problem. Get to top (3rd) floor but that apartment number is not at the top of the stairs. CRAP! Trot back down and wander a bit and find ANOTHER set of stairs. I climb up and bingo! find the correct apartment number, yes on the third floor.
Fortunately, I am in fairly good shape and did not have a problem running the stairs a couple of times. I did, however, give the lady a hard time questioning her if this was another way of screening her clients or if this was her way of thinning out the weakest of the herd...

And yes, I did have an awesome workout session even after all of the stairs. Now all I need is to be able to remember what that particular apartment number is so I don't have to endure another pre-workout workout!


HillcountryMan's Avatar
LOL! Been there, done that!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
My last incall was like that...way up on the 3rd floor I HATED it so I made sure to be super specific on which stairwell but I would joke about needing to be fit to see me
chipsandsalsa's Avatar
Oh, I do hate those third floor rat in a maze complexes...I too am an older gentleman, late 40's, very good shape, but one appointment I got so turned around I was running up and down stairwells like an olympic trainer...

Got to the correct door, she was watching for me, the door slipped open, I walked in, and she laughed at my appearance and scooted me in the direction of the shower...

I had arrived in her parking lot immaculately dressed, freshly showered and shampooed, and after my wild dashing from one stairwell to the next, a disheveled wreck...

"thinning out the herd" almost applied to me; I felt like she should have tossed me a piece of cheese for my efforts...
LMAO to funny! is probably good to let your clients know up front if your on a 2nd or 3rd floor...due to some folks that may not be able to do that for certain reasons. But I guess they could always ask too.
levibob56's Avatar
One time I looked around for 15min. going up and down stairs. Only to call and ask were the hell are you!!!A little embarrassing, I was at the wrong apartment complex!!!!
Just think of the 3 flights of stairs as a warm up
Just think of the 3 flights of stairs as a warm up Originally Posted by BlakeConfidential
No doubt , if your desheveled after 3 flights of stairs , you might have had a infarction on top the poor lady without a warm up !
GneissGuy's Avatar
Yet another reason I hate it when the lady doesn't answer the phone and talk you up to the incall the first visit.
I remember doing the exact same thing at probably that exact same place. I was pretty winded when I knocked and remembered thinking time to start hitting the treadmill and I'm starting on bottom so I can catch my breath.
sixxbach's Avatar
I recently spent some time with a wonderful lady in a north Austin (incall) apartment complex. I know that many of my fellow gentleman have been there also as this particular apartment has been shared for quite some time.
I arrived at the apartment complex about 10 minutes ahead of schedule as in the past I have had a difficult time with the gate and then venturing around the large complex attempting to find the proper building while trying to find a parking place for my full size truck.
Found the correct building and a parking space about 3 minutes ahead of time. Texted to let the lady know I was there and got a quick reply with the apartment number. Hmmmm: third floor. No problem. Get to top (3rd) floor but that apartment number is not at the top of the stairs. CRAP! Trot back down and wander a bit and find ANOTHER set of stairs. I climb up and bingo! find the correct apartment number, yes on the third floor.
Fortunately, I am in fairly good shape and did not have a problem running the stairs a couple of times. I did, however, give the lady a hard time questioning her if this was another way of screening her clients or if this was her way of thinning out the weakest of the herd...

And yes, I did have an awesome workout session even after all of the stairs. Now all I need is to be able to remember what that particular apartment number is so I don't have to endure another pre-workout workout!


G Originally Posted by Gentleman

Dude, get over yourself. I played sports through my teens and 20's, 30's. etc. I can put a few of you "in shape" guys" on your asses even now... ijs...

Dude, get over yourself. I played sports through my teens and 20's, 30's. etc. I can put a few of you "in shape" guys" on your asses even now... ijs...

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Dude, sounds like you are the one who needs to get over yourself... ijs...
sixxbach's Avatar
Dude, sounds like you are the one who needs to get over yourself... ijs... Originally Posted by Fratelli

Dude, I can respect your opinion... and I am stating mine.. ijs

If you wanna chap your lips on Gentleman's ass feel free... ijs

Dude, I can respect your opinion... and I am stating mine.. ijs
Originally Posted by sixxbach
Nice to know you respect my opinion.
ss4699's Avatar
six has quite a tail on himself and he does bite Fratelli!