I thought the Holidays were a time to spread cheer, but BP providers (if you can call them that) offer great prices, tell you to come on over then leave you in the parking lot with no call, no text - what a load of crap.
By the way - the first two were paranoid about cops so the vice squad must be making themselves a reputation. I do know they had some busts off 1960, actually busts on the John's and posted their pictures online (Houston Chronicle online October 29, 2012). They also busted 3 Leafs Spa. They had photos of the gals online too - I recognized the faces. The ladies posted ages blew me away (48 and 42) (Houston Chronical, Ocober 17, 2012 updated October18th)
BackPage Advertisers that will direct you to their location and leave you hanging:
Heather aka Karey at 903-337-6244 and formerly 973-536-5829
Drove half hour to Buffalo Speedway/610 South, directed me notel and even spoke with me then cut the call and would not respond even with me in the parking lot. At no time was I angry or insolent - what a load of crap.
Diamond 310-254-0838 This happened DIRECTLY after being blown off by Heather / Karey - I went straight from notel parking lot to Diamond's apt complex only to be left hanging (after a second call that she took when so directed to get final directions which she never gave). This twit works out of a complex at 12023 Huntingon Glen and NO that isn't really giving anything away as it is a big complex with many entrances. I drove the surrounding neighborhood, parked, listened to the radio and called many times and she wouldn't call back. I waited 80 minutes then went home. One hour later she texted me and ask if I wanted to see her! I said I had earlier but no longer.
Tonight supposed to have a double with Amber 713-483-8096 and Jennyfer 832-341-4873 at notel on Rolling Creek and 1960. Drove 45 minutes one way, got hotel information at 1960 and I-45, then wouldn't answer their phone again or return a text. I waited 15 minutes before leaving - mostly as I had an incoming call from a friend so I just sat in the car and talked, otherwise would have jetted earlier.
The BP Bitches are taking it to another level of lack of consideration for others over the Holidays, so much so it's hard for me to believe even though I'm the one that got burned.
Beware if you go, there's a good chance you've just wasted your time and gas.