Passing a stone

Sitting here in a warm bath drinking beer to help me pass this damn stone. Had one about 7 years ago. Not fun at all. At the time I read that drinking beer helped to fill that bladder and push that little rock. We'll see.

Trying to meditate and dream of all the beautiful women I've seen. Bella T, formerly Talia of LBD, LaylaLand, Kaya Jolee, Beautiful Carmel, the ever so cute Liv Tanner and a few other great ones from the ASPD days. I also sit and long for appointments with Lovely Miss V and the Remarkable Eryn.

Thinking of them all helps a little but damn this mother hurts.

If you have any home remedies, please let me know!

tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 04-20-2016, 11:05 PM
Seems like I read something about being able to treat that with ultrasound to break the stone.
quit drinking beer and drink 3 liters of water a day!!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Actually the beer can dilate the vessels to make passing the stone easier but make sure to drink water too so that you don't dehydrate and make it worse
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Pour some Tussin on it
lol on the Tussin comment.. but not on the issue of stones!

But yea that Chris Rock is a fool! lol.... Mo Tussin!!
RICKDOG8's Avatar
Pour some Tussin on it Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Miss Valentina's Avatar
"I'm just sittin' here in the tub getting drunk waiting for this calcified bladder rock from hell to turn my goo slinger into dick mince and thinking of all the sexy ladies I've poked or would like to."

If that ain't romance, I dunno what is.
knotty man's Avatar
"I'm just sittin' here in the tub getting drunk waiting for this calcified bladder rock from hell to turn my goo slinger into dick mince and thinking of all the sexy ladies I've poked or would like to."

If that ain't romance, I dunno what is. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
You had me at. "Goo slinger"
Well I'll be... My post drew a response from the lovely Miss V. I guess I am better then horse manure after all. You made my night, gorgeous!

Here's a Shiner to you. Stay lovely my dear!
After the 'tussen comment my bladder release could have passed your stone for you.
Like thru the computer.

Thanks y'all ���� *goes and changes pants