Best Pranks You Have Pulled

Halloween brings out the mischief in me!

It got me to thinking about some of the stupidest and greatest pranks I have pulled.

I was quite the tom boy growing up. Me and all the other bad ass little kids used to throw bisquit doe, water balloons--basically anything we could find at cars. Roman candles into peoples yards and chimneys....yes I know terrible.

We would make dummies and put them on a bridge with rope & when a car came we would throw it out there and pull it across the road.

I once got my hands on some gay pride stickers and went around slapping them on cars.

I was such a little shit! I grew up in the middle of no where, so that is my excuse.

Please share your pranks!

This entire past week, my roommate has been finding plastic snakes & severed mannequin arms in his bed and shoes.
knotty man's Avatar
up until i was 7. my parents told me i was black!
imagine my disappointment when they told me i was mexican, and that was as big as my dick was ever gonna get.
krinklesack's Avatar
When I was about 12, I got this aquarium background stuff that you pour onto back of the aquarium, then it crystallizes. I poured it on the windshield of a Porsche. It comes off easily with a razor blade, so it causes no damage, but freak them out it does!
Water balloons are funy. Maple Syrup ballons are much funnier. IJS.
krinklesack's Avatar
I used to like water balloons til I threw one at a girl on a bike once, balloon didn't break and knocked her off her bike. That was not funny at all
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
This one time, 'round a-bout Chris'mas-time, when Ah wuz in college Ah volunteered ta take sum orphans ta go see Santa at the mall. Well, instead o' tha mall Ah took the l'ill tykes ta a burned-out warehouse and as we drove by Ah yelled out, "Oh, No! Tha mall burned ta tha ground! Why, it's so devastated, Ah bet if'n Santa was inside, he shorely musta burnt ta death. Nobody coulda survived this sorta disaster! Looks like thar ain't gonna be no more Chris'masses, ever!" Hoooooo, dogies, those kids busted out a-cryin' and they just cried an' cried an' cried! They cried so hard they couldn't even talk, not even when we got back ta their orphanage and Ah let'em outta tha car. But, ya know, kids is pretty smart. It's real hard ta pull tha wool o'er their eyes. Down deep Ah bet them l'il rascals knew Ah was a pullin' a joke on 'em an' they wuz just goin along wit' tha gag to have sum fun with tha nuns at tha orphans home. Ah'll never fergit that. It was mah own kinda little Chris'mas miracle.
Yall crack me up! Crazies. Knottyman, that was a cruel prank your parents pulled!!

Tell us more, Krinkle!
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-25-2013, 02:47 PM
I once elaborately decorated a piece of spongy foam as a birthday cake for a co-worker. Was interesting watching her cut it.

Well... she always said she liked sponge cake!
natasteewsym's Avatar
Back in the days of pay phones, I took a crap on someones porch and then called them from a pay phone and told them what I did, at 2 am.
Senior year we took three pigs, marked them 1 of 4, 2 of 4, and 4 of 4 and let them loose in the freshman building... Took them an additional hour or so to realize there was never a 3 of 4. Best afternoon ever.
Best yet, Glynette, imo! 2nd goes to Loxly. That is pretty damn funny!
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 10-26-2013, 11:46 AM
That is hilarious Glynette. I think I might use that when I ship out my Xmas packages this year.
  • Sabor
  • 10-26-2013, 08:09 PM
taped a bunch of 8x10 face pics of guys with surprised looks on their faces to a big bedroom skylight one late night after my buddy and his new wife returned from their honeymoon. I was ninja quiet on their roof.
taped a bunch of 8x10 face pics of guys with surprised looks on their faces to a big bedroom skylight one late night after my buddy and his new wife returned from their honeymoon. I was ninja quiet on their roof. Originally Posted by Sabor
I know who I am asking to go with me to pull some shenanigans soon!

Of course, my idea of shenanigans is pretty tame now compared to when I was younger.

I don't think we will be needing any bondsmen!