Looking for a third wheel

I am looking for a young lady in Syracuse (or visiting) to bring to my next appointment with a young lady that I have been visiting with for some time. Her gf is in Florida and she wants to spice up our next session. Any suggestions please advise or pm me.

Thank you in advance for the help.
  • Chloe
  • 02-08-2010, 09:09 PM
I will be in Syracuse this Thursday and Friday and ask any of the boys on here . . . . I LOVE THE GIRLS!!
christinadoll's Avatar
Boohoo...I will not be in Syracuse

Yummy though, you can't go wrong with Chloe
Thank you ladies.......Chloe check your email.

CD.......please keep it in mind if you ever travel. I hear nothing but good thongs about you : =).........yes I guess those THONGS could be good LOL