The Cute Attire Conundrum

JackJohnson's Avatar
So, it never ceases to amaze...

I have some specific attire requests, something short, heels, stockings, smell nice... yadda yadda. Seems like every time I interact I get more and more pushback. Really if they even consider an attire request I'm shocked. Here's a sample of fun notes:

I don't own that sort of stuff (what business are you in exactly?)

I keep it casual (Right, because it's about you?)

I can't leave like that. (Not my issue, and clothes don't change, shoes cant...)

I'm not all about that fuss. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.)

I can go on and one. None of this pushback is from NEW girls. LOL. HEY, if you want people to pay you hundreds of dollars for your time, how about you put in some effort. I just have no tolerance anymore for providers who aren't professional enough to understand what their role is.

If your best ability is AVAILability, you might be a hustler, not an escort. Unfortunately, hustlers abound.

Folks can chime in, I know some folks don't care and that's cool
Spend it your way, I'm not pushing anything but basic sex appeal, if your attire is some Nike slides that are falling apart, mussed hair, no makeup, bad attitude and a need for deodorant, I might not want to give you anything but advice.

That description was generous, when I said something, she said, Hey lots of men want me. I pointed out lots of men want most anyone who says yes, and I'm sure you say yes a lot.

Meh. YMMV. Happy Saturday
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 04-29-2023, 10:45 PM
Sometimes they're just like cats. They do exactly what they want to do, not what you want them to do. I have seen some gals and asked them to dress casual, such as jeans, t-shirt, etc. which is what I like. They have actually said, "I don't have anything like that". Seriously? I suspect if I asked these same gals to doll it up and look hot and spicy, they would be dressed in jeans and t-shirt. I think they figure as long as they got tits and puss that's all that guys should care about.
Guys do the same thing to us, nasty underwear, balls that smell like they haven't showered in a feet. So as much as there are ladies that do that, the men aren't far behind.
Be selective of who you see just like we have to be. Only thing is when providers are being selective and turn someone away, they don't do the fair thing and either give them all/at least some of their money back. Do things like that and wonder why shifty things happen, not condoning or justifying it just saying it logically.

On top of the out right refusal to give even a little bit of effort, what's worse, IMO, is when they "charge extra for that". Seriously? Most of them don't do anything all day or like Jack said don't have anything to contribute but bs and daily busy things that somehow is always harder for them. The least they could contribute to is taking care of themselves like workout, eat better, dress better, actually invest.
satan666's Avatar
Guys do the same thing to us, nasty underwear, balls that smell like they haven't showered in a feet. So as much as there are ladies that do that, the men aren't far behind. Originally Posted by Nikkilove91
uh so your image gallery pics are classing it up blowing clouds and showing a tatt?

you have you know what im just going to stop b4 i get pointed!
I will say that the regulars I have chosen to see put in the effort on the first date and have continued to do so. I will also say, to Nikki's point, that I am always freshly showered when possible (sometimes its straight from work) and putting in my effort as well.
Yeah agree with Satan (ha), if you're not gonna present class, probably shouldn't expect it.
But definitely agree with shadow as well. Can't speak for everyone but I know the providers I continue to see make the effort and I always do my best to show up fresh and not stinky. I have been told by a few providers of some of the things they've dealt with in guys showing up drunk, smelly, dirty, etc. Unless you're desperate (I guess) at that point you should have the obvious thought that it's not happening and they need to leave.
So having tats is a bad thing now...?? Ok!
Nothing is wrong with tats, just the way they are presented as well as the person
satan666's Avatar
So having tats is a bad thing now...?? Ok! Originally Posted by Nikkilove91
nothing wrong with tatts! i was just implying that men who present themselves to one in this manner may also look at the way the ladies present themselves and follow suit.

the purpose of this thread was about women who expect hundreds per hour for their time showing up drab and plain,

men can generally get the census for how a woman is by the way she presents herself.

not dressed up no makeup no lingerie all these things come into play!
DallasRain's Avatar
I will try to accomodate clotjing requests...but if it is something I dont have and is expensive,I dont do that (if my rates were higher,than I could)... but if you wanna buy it for me then thats awesome!!!
See, Perfectly reasonable solution.
JackJohnson's Avatar
I love the provider whataboutism on a thread about the lack of cute attire or even effort to dress from providers.

which, of course wasnt the point. Thanks Dallas for your perspective, I appreciate that. nothing expensive required :-)

seriously, if you're in the BUSINESS and not hustling, you'd think you could put together something cute, I'm flexible! But saying you don't want to deal with all that fuss...

or the hilarious response that's you don't need that stuff, men call you anyway (ask yourself which ones) just never ceases to amaze. traveling pros don't usually have that issue with being sexy, just a thought. hmmmm.

thanks for the responses!
satan666's Avatar
I love the provider whataboutism on a thread about the lack of cute attire or even effort to dress from providers.

which, of course wasnt the point. Thanks Dallas for your perspective, I appreciate that. nothing expensive required :-)

seriously, if you're in the BUSINESS and not hustling, you'd think you could put together something cute, I'm flexible! But saying you don't want to deal with all that fuss...

or the hilarious response that's you don't need that stuff, men call you anyway (ask yourself which ones) just never ceases to amaze. traveling pros don't usually have that issue with being sexy, just a thought. hmmmm.

thanks for the responses! Originally Posted by JackJohnson
precisely what i was getting at with my post and D always cums (pun intended) prepared I've heard of your trunk full of accoutrements! miss rain you're the gold standard when it comes to this subculture.

you're always prepared and accommodating as well as not trying to break the bank of hobbyists.

these other girls could learn a lot from you. sadly they all just want to get rich for the moment and could care less about repeat clients and friends!

you miss dallas rain are a true provider! most of these other girls are as Jack Johnson said hustlers sad they cant be weeded out!
TailHooked's Avatar
Well I can understand if they don't want to stand, out as they enter the motel/hotel. Discretion is what we all want. It depends on where you are. You dress to blend in. So if it is a cheap motel, they aren't going to walk in in high heels, fishnet stockings, a short skirt/dress and made up to the hilt. Though clean and some perfume should always be expected for me. Married men might want the perfume skipped. It will be a tee shirt, ripped jeans and sneakers/flip flops. Unless you want to pay a little more for them to dress in the room, I wouldn't expect much.