Please no more visiting NBA we already have enough of our own LOL

Blackmagicman's Avatar
We already have a ton of NBA providers in Louisiana what we need is some color blind providers to visit I'm just saying.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 02-09-2018, 02:38 PM
We already have a ton of NBA providers in Louisiana what we need is some color blind providers to visit I'm just saying. Originally Posted by Blackmagicman
I do see it a lot but I just move on .....
pyramider's Avatar
If you have game there are no problems ...
imdown2's Avatar
Just try and pm them and after a couple pms ask them if it’s alright. I’ve seen a few providers that say “no one under 35”
We already have a ton of NBA providers in Louisiana what we need is some color blind providers to visit I'm just saying. Originally Posted by Blackmagicman
I dont really believe any provider that says she has a NBA policy especially when we have some of the same guys who has reviewed us both
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
This bloody topic seems to come up frquently. It’s the ladies choice on whom she sees.

I don’t bloody care. As long as I got great service.
I personally have known ladies who advertise nba who will see decent black men as long as they agree to being discrete ie no review. If you have good references from known providers who will agree to contact a lady and tell her your a respectful guy who always treats her properly I would bet you would be surprised how many would agree to see you. The downside is chances are she will not want you telling anyone. Its seems that some white hobbyist would prefer to not go behind black men. Kind of crazy that in this day and age such stuff actually matters but it does.

I could care less if a girl see's aa or not. While I am not a fan of the rap video thug culture that is so popular in the black community now. I have absolutely no issue with decent black men.

I think the black community as a whole suffers greatly from the popularity of the thug lifestyle that is so looked up to in the aa community. Whats even worse in my eyes is you guys had it going on just a few generations ago. I mean you had such great talent that far surpassed most anything else going on. True geniuses like Chuck Berry Ray Charles James Brown Marvin Gay Bill Withers Berry Gordy and motown god I could go on for days. I am talking about truly great talent that made timeless music with a real message one that all races could embrace. Somewhere along the line rap music has destroyed it all. I mean no disrespect if you like the music or the message it represents but modern rap and its message sickens me. The whole thing is lost on me. I just see it as completely negative. But what the hell do I know I am a 40 year old middle class white guy from the deep south lol sorry for the rant

Well I veered way off from my original thought. I feel for the decent black guys who get shafted from quality poon they would like to see simply because they were born with a different color skin. I am not sure if I would even want to see a lady who had a no aa policy but if I did and I had a few ladies willing to vouch for me I dont think it would hurt to have them fire off a message stating that I was a decent guy. I bet you would get in a few otherwise closed doors. might behoove you to stop while you’re ahead.
Your rant could come off as condescending and a bit uninformed.
Please don’t blame rap/hip hop as the problem.
There are many reasons why white providers may choose to not see AA gentlemen...none of which I agree with.
Low class and filth comes in all races....regardless of music or any other influence. Yes we’ve talked about this topic endlessly.
It’s small minded to exclude anyone based on race regardless of how one tries to justify...
And before anyone says anything , I say this as a Caucasian gentleman.
Let’s put this to rest.
Sorry I honestly didnt mean to tie why women have an no aa policy to rap music. I get that there are many factors that play into that and I am sure that the music most identified with a race has little if anything to do with it.

The rant about rap was separate from that and not intended to offend. Its simply the way I view the message that most rap music and associated media ie movies and videos represent as todays black culture. I am a huge fan of the music that I listed and just see the message that the thug gangsta culture as being very detrimental to youth coming up these days to all races that identify with it not just aa. Its my opinion and I am fine with stating it and accept any repercussions from doing so. I dont view myself as racist but these days who knows what qualifies. Dakidone69 if I offended you I hope you at least understand where I am coming from and know that its not my intention to come off like a racist

Again to get back to the op's original topic if you see a girl advertise with no aa and that doesn't automatically make you not want to see her try getting a girl who knows you to back channel for you
Is racism in an illegal world of prostitution the subject? And is it racism that I do not find a certain race attractive? Or is it just my attraction? I do not find Asian people attractive, am I a racist? I still treat them as people and laugh and joke just do not want to fuck them, no attraction. Not racist.

I think it is difficult enough for a woman to fuck a stranger, but fucking a stranger she has an idea she is also physically repulsed by might he harder for her. This is a hooker world not a world of ethics and morals. So, some hookers find your race mostly unattractive who cares?? Get a life and grow up. I am huge and bald, not very physically attractive, so women do not jump into bed with me, is that lookism or uglism? I live in the world I am in and do not point fingers at everyone else. Deal with you before complaining about her, is all.

Seeking P has posted racist shit all the time against white women, no one bitches about that?
Where at gentle?

I'm not racist but just so you know
WW are not the golden standard for womanhood!

My opinions when a provider says she is NBA is not her being racist.
I believe it's her preference and her choices.
Some things I say are my pov's and it's not being racist

Have a day!
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 02-11-2018, 01:15 PM
Where at gentle?

I'm not racist but just so you know
WW are not the golden standard for womanhood!

My opinions when a provider says she is NBA is not her being racist.
I believe it's her preference and her choices.
Some things I say are my pov's and it's not being racist

Have a day! Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
That’s a good way to put it P..... cause I have my preference light skin or white I never been with anyone darker than me
Les Grossman's Avatar might behoove you to stop while you’re ahead.
Your rant could come off as condescending and a bit uninformed.
Please don’t blame rap/hip hop as the problem.
There are many reasons why white providers may choose to not see AA gentlemen...none of which I agree with.
Low class and filth comes in all races....regardless of music or any other influence. Yes we’ve talked about this topic endlessly.
It’s small minded to exclude anyone based on race regardless of how one tries to justify...
And before anyone says anything , I say this as a Caucasian gentleman.
Let’s put this to rest. Originally Posted by Dakidone69
I think I understood Basscat just fine, if someone can't or they get offended, fuck em, let them sort it out. If a professional black male listens to rap music I highly doubt they are trying to live the "thug" lifestyle or need to rob hookers.

I personally hate county music, old and new but especially the old stuff. A bunch of racist sister fuckin hicks. Do I need to be white to say that? Modern rap sucks to. Bunch of crybaby losers.

We need more traveling providers, period. If they really are NBA there is nothing you can do and it's usually an insecure pimp issue. We all know most aren't really NBA. If they provide good service, treat them well, pay them well, word will get around and your skin color will never be an issue.
That’s a good way to put it P..... cause I have my preference light skin or white I never been with anyone darker than me Originally Posted by lat
Right! The buyer buys what he likes and the provider has her preferences.

I know what the gentle person is referring to, the 'Say NO' ad.

gentle would a 'Say YES' ad be better?

How's this:
Say YES to non-WW!

Edit: I don't have enough $$ to be racist. Js
Only the rich can afford to be racist
Yes it was the "say No" ad. Saw on your signature line on some of your posts in the past. Say YES might be better but use "Say yes to Black women because everyone enjoys a little chocolate now and then, so indulge!" Shows self esteem, is not negative tone, etc. your black history posts are great informative and shows a person in a positive light instead of negative. I would like to say your ad did not offend me but why do I remember it? I guess negative ads do not entice me, when a commercial comes on telling me how bad their competition is I just shrug and look away, tell me how good your product is and I am more likely to listen. My .02 cents.

I meant no offense to anyone, just gets old hearing about NBA policy. Grow up, she will not ever want to fuck you. I am used to that, lol.