Breast test: are you up to the challenge?

Click the link and take the test. Then post a reply with your score. Ladies and Gentlemen, lets see how good you REALLY ARE!

I got a 16.
I got 15, #3 got me.
19...only cuz I hit the wrong was enjoying the tits!
biomed1's Avatar
Outdoorsman's Avatar
ICTguy32's Avatar
18 on my first try
tia travels's Avatar
p.s. MINE are real! LOL
ICTguy32's Avatar
Tia - do you ever travel to Wichita? I have seen ads for your trips to Lawrence, KS ... perhaps you could stop here on the way ??
RandB fan's Avatar
18 and I should have got a 19 but I second guessed myself on a small set. Can we get this game in 3D?
havinfuntwo's Avatar
16, some you just have to feel to be able to tell.
dollar14's Avatar
14 dammit! i need more in the field research...
RickForFun's Avatar
But only after many years of field recon in strip clubs and other places at a very high cost. It has been as expensive edudation.
rodeored's Avatar
18, my eyes were hurting or I might have had 19, LOL