Maddy is moveing to TX

Just wanted to let all of the great guys who see me, know that I will be moveing back to week..

It was nice to play and get to know all of you.. I will miss all of you.
But theres a time in Life to move on and that's what I am doing.

If your ever in the DFW area.. look me up.

My number will be same, so for those who have it.. Your welcome to call.

Now, back to packing...

arbronco's Avatar
Maddy, good luck on finding the job you want, and may all your journeys be safe. Thanks for all the times
  • MrGiz
  • 11-03-2010, 07:10 PM
Bye-Bye Sweetie ,
I'm sorry we weren't able to get together and play since your latest return! I still remember being excited to meet and play with the little spinner, Miss Brandywine, from Texas years ago.... right there in my own home, in Arkansas! I'm sure those Texas boyz will be happy to have you back!

I never say never.... so lookin' forward to seeing you again some day!

Take Care , Play Safe ,

Sydney Pure's Avatar
Good Luck Sweetie and Everyone knows I love Texas !!!
Keep in touch with us Maddie. . . . There are those of us who make the trip to the Lone Star State on a frequent basis
Keep in touch with us Maddie. . . . There are those of us who make the trip to the Lone Star State on a frequent basis Originally Posted by arklookn4lovn

Thanks everyone. I did get moved. Love here forgot how much.

Still got alot of work to do...takeing new pics tomorrow.

And I will keep up with Ark.. take care.. back to unppacking.

Hi Maddy, glad to hear you got there safe and are loving it. Unpacking doesn't sound too fun though. Have fun and enjoy your new place.

Thanks Dave.. I do love the new place...