WH staff advises Twitler to STFU!

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You think he'll listen to them?



President urged to stop tweeting on Trump Tower meeting

(CNN)President Donald Trump has been urged to stop tweeting about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Trump's top advisers and several Russians, a source familiar with discussions tells CNN.

The President was advised that his tweeting only gives oxygen to the topic, even if those around Trump do not believe there is any truly new development.

On Sunday, Trump tweeted an apparent response to stories by CNN and The Washington Post that said he is worried about Donald Trump Jr.'s legal exposure following the infamous 2016 meeting.
Calling the reported concerns a "complete fabrication," the President acknowledged that the meeting was accepted on the premise that Trump Jr. would get dirt on Hillary Clinton.
"This was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and done all the time in politics - and it went nowhere. I did not know about it!" the President tweeted.

This is hardly the first time the President has reacted to a news story on Twitter and, as a result, helped give that story more attention.

There appears to be less concern among associates about other recent Trump tweets in which he's gone after special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, which, along with his legal team, he's long sought to discredit. The New York Times reported last month that Mueller has been reviewing Trump's tweets as part of his probe into whether the President obstructed justice.
However, a tweet Trump sent last week in which he appeared to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions to stop the Mueller investigation was quickly downplayed by Trump's lawyers as the President's opinion, not an order.

Asked in late July about Mueller's reported review of Trump's tweets, Rudy Giuliani, the President's attorney, appeared to dismiss the idea. Giuliani said that "obstruction by tweet is not something that I think works real well."
Trump's admission through Twitter on Sunday about the purpose behind the 2016 Trump Tower meeting was the latest step in the long-evolving story from Trump, Trump Jr. and the President's legal team.

Trump Jr. initially responded to the first revelations about the meeting by releasing a misleading statement claiming the meeting primarily concerned Russian adoption policy. As more details emerged, Trump Jr. released a new statement acknowledging there was an offer of potentially damaging information on Clinton and the Democratic Party, and he eventually published emails about the meeting.

Trump's attorney Jay Sekulow initially claimed that Trump was not involved in crafting Trump Jr.'s misleading statement. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders later said that Trump had "weighed in" on the statement. Then it was revealed in June that Trump's lawyers had admitted to Mueller in a letter sent last January that Trump had actually "dictated" the statement.
Sekulow said on Sunday his erroneous denial about Trump's involvement was a mistake based on "bad information."

Thread by @_ImperatorRex_: "1. An astonishing interview with @DevinNunes , where he gives us a 'heads up' on the imminent release of unredacted FISA 'and other corrobor […]" #MAGA


1. An astonishing interview with @DevinNunes , where he gives us a 'heads up' on the imminent release of unredacted FISA 'and other corroborating material'.

It also proves that Sean Hannity, who talks over Nunes at critical moments, has a tin ear.


2. Nunes reveals that the House Intel Committee GOP members have asked for the 4th (and last renewed FISA) to be declassified by POTUS Trump. This makes sense:

3. Rule 13(a) of the FISC Procedure Rules requires the government to inform the relevant FISC judge in writing, if it discovers that a submission previously made to the court contains a material misstatement or omission.

4. Rule 13 (b) requires the government to file a Disclosure of Non-Compliance if the relevant application has breached the FISA Act

It's reasonable to assume that rule 13 will have been breached by the FBI/DOJ crooks. 4 times.

FISC Rules here:


5. Nunes reveals that the 20 pages they've asked be unredacted is the minimum demand. He'd like to more declassified, if possible.

PLUS the previous 3 FISAs - although I'd assume these would be annexed to the 4th application, or would be incorporated into the 4th, anyway.

6. As to the content of the 20 pages:

Hannity tries to gin it up as a 'Blockbuster', Nunes says it's as least as bad as what we already know.

Hannity reveals his sources are telling him it will sink the Trump-Russia lie. Nunes doesn't disagree.

Either way, huge.

7. What's new is the mention of 'emails', separate from the FISA application, that prove the entire conspiracy.

In that context, Adam Schiff gets some attention, esp the hilarious call between him and a Russian hoaxer, where Schiff is effectively colluding to get dirt on Trump.

8. They didn't play that by accident.

What that tells me is that Schiff (and other Dems) were part of the collection of dirt, that was funneled thru to FBI outside formal channels, thru 2015/16.

And that emails exist proving their part. As well as the key role of others.

9. I'm assuming these emails may include everyone involved in the FISA scam, including Congress, FBI, DOJ & Obama White House.

Perhaps even the media, although to be fair, that isn't hinted at.

10. So Nunes is hinting strongly at the imminent release of an illegal FISA, plus corroborating emails ID'ing the conspirators, but also something even more significant.

Which brings up Hannity's tin ear.

11. Listen closely - Nunes REPEATEDLY hints at a far greater scandal that's going to emerge. Hannity either talks over him, isn't listening properly or rushes the interview on.

The scandal?

12. That Putin's FSB was working with the Clinton campaign, Obama administration & Congress - using Putin oligarchs as intermediaries - to seed the campaign with misinformation, in order to rig the election.

Nunes SPECIFICALLY mentions the FSB (at 23.07) & Hannity cuts him off.

13. Also, Nunes suggests that Fusion GPS was being PAID by the FSB/Putin.

That's new - we know they were being funded by Clinton, suspect also the Obama 4 America & the FBI.

But Putin's FSB? If true, WOW.

14. Nunes mentions this in the context of the infamous Trump Jnr set-up, in Trump Tower.

I always assumed that Fusion GPS were giving the orders. But if I'm right, Nunes is suggesting something different.

The meeting was a FSB operation. THEY were giving the orders. Worse:

15. That the FSB may have been working with the Obama administration, to execute the set-up.

After all, who let Veselnitskya into the US in the first place? DOJ, specifically Loretta Lynch.

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team
The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump’s inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by the Justice Department under “extraordinary circumstances” before she embarked on a lobby…

16. Working with Putin's FSB in this way makes perfect sense. Putin would have wanted a Clinton victory.

Obama/Brennan could authorize warrantless surveillance under the FISA, based on comms with foreign targets. All comms for the Trump Jnr meeting came from outside the US.

17. IMO, they also worked with UK intelligence (and other intel agencies) for different parts of the Trump takedown.

This was a BIG operation. Nunes kept dropping hints, but Hannity didn't pick it up (unlike Bartiromo, who DOES).

18. Anyway, we will learn the truth soon. PLEASE have a listen to the interview. It's an important one.

Another thing - there's a strong chance that this is dropping early next week.

'Happening. It's.'


The end.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's a great retort, SLOBBRIN. I guess you're trying to pull a "What about ..." on the subject of Twitler's diarrhea of the cellphone.


A faceless Twiter troll (with a minute following) feeding a brainless ECCIE troll (with intellectual challenges)!

We'll see how many of Twitler's tweets wind up as evidence, won't we?

"What about ..." on the subject of Twitler's diarrhea
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your Queen has the same taste as you, Shit Eater...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another attempted deflection, SLOBBRIN.

Just cover your ears (take the earmuffs off first) and scream LA LA LA LA LA until the truth goes away.

And then watch your LARD and SLAVER go down like the Hindenburg.

It is happening now.

Pay attention, SLOBBRIN.
Another attempted deflection, SLOBBRIN.

Just cover your ears (take the earmuffs off first) and scream LA LA LA LA LA until the truth goes away.

And then watch your LARD and SLAVER go down like the Hindenburg.

It is happening now.

Pay attention, SLOBBRIN. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Who did she meet with before and after the meeting. Shit Eater?


Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team


The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump’s inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by the Justice Department under “extraordinary circumstances” before she embarked on a lobbying campaign last year that ensnared the president’s eldest son, members of Congress, journalists and State Department officials, according to court and Justice Department documents and interviews.

This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.

Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding Donald Trump Jr.

Just five days after meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower with Trump Jr., Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Moscow attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya showed up in Washington in the front row of a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Russia policy, video footage of the hearing shows.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Another attempted deflection, SLOBBRIN.

Just cover your ears (take the earmuffs off first) and scream LA LA LA LA LA until the truth goes away.

And then watch your LARD and SLAVER go down like the Hindenburg.

It is happening now.

Pay attention, SLOBBRIN. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

so you are taking the bet? you know the one ..

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So what’s your point?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So what’s your point? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

other than you have a pointy head, like Beldar, you have been claiming Trump is gonna be impeached/removed from office damn near every fucking day since he was sworn in.

so take the bet or STFU

conehead faggot
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're ridiculous WWE.

What bet? That he isn't impeached by a GOP controlled House?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're ridiculous WWE.

What bet? That he isn't impeached by a GOP controlled House?

LOL! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Will you take the Bet, YES or NO?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Not on your life. Besides ... when has anyone besides me ever honored a bet?

You're out of outs, ain't you, dickweed?

Maybe you should realize that if Alex Jones can be banned for inciting hate, violence and terroristic threads, so can you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Not on your life. Besides ... when has anyone besides me ever honored a bet?

You're out of outs, ain't you, dickweed?

Maybe you should realize that if Alex Jones can be banned for inciting hate, violence and terroristic threads, so can you. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
what were you banned for? hmm??

you butthole buddy ekim didn't win his so-called bet. he only won it in his mind.

because we all know there never was any Trump campaign collusion with Russia. now STFU about Trump being impeached. PERIOD!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what were you banned for? hmm??

you butthole buddy ekim didn't win his so-called bet. he only won it in his mind.

because we all know there never was any Trump campaign collusion with Russia. now STFU about Trump being impeached. PERIOD! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're a great bookie, WWE. You don't keep you promises. You welsh on your bets. You lie about shit you lied about already!

And NO, I will NOT STFU about this.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
will you STFU about it when nothing happens at all to remove Trump from office?

or just stick your head up her ass and keep screaming "PEACH FODY FI!"

maybe you and Maxine should hold a protest somewhere? i hear BUTTHEADISTAN has some free dates.